Divorce and The Effects on Children Literature Review

Divorce and The Effects on Children Literature Review essay assignment

Divorce and The Effects on Children Literature Review essay assignment

In this assignment, you will begin writing your literature review.  As written in the assignment description in D2L, do not stress!  Many times, we can become stressed when we see the large amount of work before us when it comes to writing a full draft.  The goal of this assignment is for you:

  • To see what research you have and how to use it effectively
  • To see what research you are needing and how and where to find it
  • To start structuring your paper in the proper format
  • This assignment is meant to get the ball rolling so have some fun!

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It is best to use your Outline and Annotated Bibliography assignments to help guide you through your writing process.  You will keep adding to your outline as you continue to write due to your continued research and it will continue to expand.  When you write your Literature Review, do not write in a way that repeatedly talks about a study and what it found.  It is so boring!

  • Example: This study (Smith & Smith, 2015) found that stress can cause heart problems.  Another study’s results found out that stress makes people have a hard time concentrating (Jones, 2018).  Peterson and Wilson (2020) said in their study that stress is bad for memory and can keep people awake at night.

Instead, write in a way that tells the reader a story about what your research found.

  • Example: Stress can have many debilitating effects on the human body ranging from what might be considered only minor problems to life-threatening situations (Smith & Smith, 2015).  Unmanaged stress can lead to poor sleep patterns, insomnia, difficulty remembering information (Peterson & Wilson, 2020), and difficulty concentrating and focusing on conversations and information (Jones, 2018).  Stress has also been linked to serious physical emergencies such as heart attack and stroke (Smith & Smith, 2015).  This is because…

Notice the in-text citations in parentheses.  These are crucial to your paper and reference page as it tells the reader your sources and source credibility.

Be sure to use the template for the literature review (see separate document) and you only need to complete the title page and problem/purpose statement and literature review sections.  Do not worry about the others.  It is recommended that you start listing your references as well so it will not pile up at the end of the semester.  If you have any questions, please let me know and amanda.chase@mga.edu.  Enjoy!



Writing and Formatting

  • Your paper must be written in Arial, 11 font, and double spaced.


  • Your paper MUST be written in APA format. Other formats will not be accepted and you will lose considerable points for not completing your paper in the required format.  A helpful resource is PurdueOwl located at https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html


  • When you are discussing a particular research study or research in general, you never write “The research proves…” Instead of saying that the research proves something, because it rarely does, you simply write that the research suggests, depicts, indicates, or another word meaning something similar.


  • When you list numbers, the numbers zero-nine are written as words. Numbers 10 and above are written in numerical format.  When writing percentages, use the numerical format for all numbers such as 50%.


  • Never start a sentence with a number (Example: 9 percent of the population…).  Instead, use the written number no matter the number or if it is a percent.


  • Do not use contractions (don’t, can’t, etc.) as they are not considered a part of professional writing.


  • When writing in APA format, your paper must be in the correct tense. APA is written in the past tense or third person (Example:  Smith and Jones (2016) found in their research that…).


  • Review this link to see the correct point of view and verb tense of APA writing: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa6_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/apa_stylistics_basics.html


  • Do not use direct quotations. Instead, paraphrase what you want to use from your source and cite the source at the end of the statement/


  • Do not write your paper in Microsoft Office Online Word. It does not have all the features your will need to complete your paper properly.


  • Here are some sample journal articles of literature reviews:
    • https://laverne.libguides.com/ld.php?content_id=1226588. Formats in journal articles and college student writing is slightly different but just pay attention to the structure and format.

Research Sources

  • You must have a minimum of seven (7) current research journal articles. Current means no more than seven (7) years.  Journal articles are publications in professional research journals, not news outlets, videos, or PowerPoints.  Other sources such as credible website publications and organizations are permitted.


  • You are allowed to use internet sources such as websites, organizations, universities, etc. but they MUST be credible. They must also be current meaning no more than seven (7) years old.  Research journal articles do not count as websites and must be recorded separately.  Websites include sources such as .gov, .edu, and .org sites.  Your professor will NOT accept Wikipedia or most .com sources.


  • You are permitted to use older research but be sure to note in your paper that the research is dated. Theoretical research such as Erikson, Rogers, Jung, Ainsworth, Bowlby, Bandura, Watson, Freud, and other psychological theorists can be used and cited if it is pertinent to your research.


  • You are NOT permitted to use mainstream news or media outlets unless your paper is about a topic related to media, news outlets, etc.


  • What to do when you cannot find research on your topic:
    • Try many research outlets

Think about changing your theme to focus on why your topic has not been researched extensively.  You found a gap in research!

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