Discussion- Vulnerable Population: Mental Disorders
Discussion- Vulnerable Population: Mental Disorders
Discussion- Vulnerable Population: Mental Disorders
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Topic: Vulnerable Population: Mental Disorders
Capstone Project Milestone 2
Design for Change Proposal Guidelines
You are to create a Design for Change proposal inclusive of your Practice Issue and Evidence Summary worksheet from your Capstone Project Milestone 1. Your plan is to convince your management team of a nursing problem you have uncovered and you feel is significant enough to change the way something is currently practiced. In the event you are not currently working as a nurse please use a hypothetical clinical situation you experienced in nursing school or nursing education issue you identified in your nursing program.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.
Due Date
Milestone 2 consists of the proposal for your Design for Change Capstone Project. Submit this assignment to the Dropbox by the end of Week 4.
Milestone 2 is worth 225 points.
Grading Criteria: Design for Change Capstone Project
Introduction to the plan is nursing focused with evidence-based problem identification and potential solutions clearly identified.
Change Model Overview
Practice issue is identified and is nursing focused. An overview of the ACE Star model is given. The need for change is evident. Stakeholders are identified. Practice area team members and their role are identified and discussed. Scope of the problem is identified. State how nurses should use this model as a guide to facilitate change.
Evidence is provided thru basic information that indicates a change is needed. For example there have been 6 urinary tract infections over the last two months and there were none present the last two years at the same time period. What are some of the evidence-based interventions you discovered in your Evidence Summary that do you plan to use?
Activities to achieve the final steps of change are fully described. What is needed to achieve. How do you translate what information you have gathered into practice? How do you inform staff? What is your plan of action to pilot the plan? What is the timeline?
Clear solid summary summarizing the key points and steps of the change plan is included; ways to sustain the change plan are described.
APA Format
Minimal errors.
225 points
Grading Rubric: Capstone Project Milestone 2
Assignment Criteria
A (100%)
Outstanding or highest level of performance
B (88%)
Very good or high level of performance
C (80%)
Competent or satisfactory level of performance
NI (38%)
Needs Improvement
Poor or failing level of performance
F (0%)
Unsatisfactory level of performance
25 points
Introduction to the plan is nursing focused andevidence-based.Potential interventions clearly identified.
25 points
Introduction to the plan is nursing focused and evidence-based solutions identified but not clear.
22 points
Introduction to the plan is provided; however the plan is not nursing focused and evidence-based solutionsarenot convincing.
20 points
Introduction lacks evidence to support need for change and/or potential solution is not evidenced-based.
10 points
Introduction is missing.
0 points
Change Model Overview
50 points
Practice issue is nursing focused.
Overview of the ACE Star model is given. Rationale for change is present.
Stakeholders are identified. Practice area team members and role are discussed.
Scope of problem is identified.
50 points
Practice issue is nursing focused.
Overview of the ACE Star model is given. Rationale for change is not present.
Stakeholders are identified. Practice area team members and role are discussed.
Scope of problem is identified.
44 points
Practice issue is nursing focused.
Overview of the ACE Star model is given. Rationale for change is not present.
Stakeholders are not identified. Practice area team members and role are discussed but without detail.
Scope of problem is identified.
40 points
Practice issue is nursing focused.
Overview of the ACE Star model is given. Rationale for change is not present.
Stakeholders are not identified. Practice area team members and role are not discussed.
Scope of problem is identified.
19 points
Change Model Overview is missing
0 points
50 points
Evidence is thoroughly provided thru basic information of the current problem in the work setting indicating a change is needed.
Interventions discovered in Evidence Summary are used in planning for change.
50 points
Evidence is briefly provided thru basic information of the current problem in the work setting indicating a change is needed.
Some of the interventions discovered in Evidence Summary are used in planning for change.
44 points
Evidence is vaguely provided thru basic information of the current problem in the work setting indicating a change is needed.
Some of the interventions discovered in Evidence Summary are used in planning for change.
40 points
Evidence is provided thru basic nformation of the current problem but is not convincing.
Interventions discovered in Evidence Summary are not used in planning for change.
19 points
Evidence is not provided thru basic information of the current problem; there is no indication of change; there no interventions listed from the Evidence Summary.
0 points
50 points
Activities to achieve final steps of change are fully described.
Ways to translateevidence into practice is discussed.
Methods to inform staff activities planned for plan of action and timeline are discussed.
50 points
Activities to achieve final steps of change are fully described.
How to translate evidence into practice is discussed but is not clear.
Methods to inform staff activities planned for plan of action and timeline are discussed.
44 points
Activities to achieve final steps of change are fully described.
How to translate evidence into practice is not discussed.
Methods to inform staff activities planned for plan of action but timeline is not mentioned.
40 points
Activities to achieve final steps of change are described but not in detail.
How to translate evidence into practice is not discussed.
Methods to inform staff activities planned for plan of action but timeline is not mentioned.
19 points
Activities for final change plan is missing.
Translation of evidence into practice is missing.
0 points
25 points
Detailed summary of main points.
Ways to sustain plan are thoroughly described.
25 points
Summary of main pointsis brief.
Ways to sustainplan are briefly described.
22 points
Summary of main points is vague.
Ways to sustainplan are vaguely described.
20 points
Summary of main points is vague.
Ways to sustain change are not described.
10 points
Summary ismissing.
There is no plan tosustain change.
0 points
APA formatting scholarly writing
25 points
APA format sixth edition.
Grammar sentence structure punctuation and spelling correct.