Discussion Posts Protocols
Discussion Posts Protocols essay assignment
Discussion Posts Protocols essay assignment
Your main response should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two paragraphs (min 100 words; max 200 words).
· Avoid responses that are limited to “I agree” or “great idea,” etc. If you agree (or disagree) with a posting then explain why you agree by supporting your statement with concepts from the readings or by bringing in related a related example or experience.
· Address the questions as much as possible. Do not let the discussions stray to unrelated topics.
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· All post require supportive information from the text or other peer-reviewed sources that support your postings. Put any quotes in quotation marks, or better yet paraphrase, and always include reference from which the information or quotation was obtained, both within the text of your answer AND the correctly APA formatted reference at the bottom of the post. Wikipedia is never an appropriate resource.
· Bring in related personal prior knowledge (work experience and/or prior personal experience.) as examples in the response
· Use proper netiquette (proper language, typing, respect, etc.)
· Use proper APA format