Discussion: Causes of Medication Errors

Discussion: Causes of Medication Errors

Discussion: Causes of Medication Errors

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Research Question
How frequent are medication errors in an acute ward environment and what strategies reduce them?
The purpose of this report is to explore the frequency and causes of medication errors during drug rounds and identify effective strategies to reduce them. The Background section will provide a clear rationale for the need to examine this area with nursing research evidence used to support the rationale. The literature search section will ……………………………………………………………………….
Medication administration is a process which includes the involvement of many healthcare professionals (Cloete, 2015) and remains one of the most common causes of harm to patients in hospital (Roughead et al., 2013). This report will review the nursing intervention of safe medication administration in line with Royal Society of Pharmacists and Royal College of Nursing (2019) Medications Administration Guidelines.


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