Disagreement between Turing and Searle while arguing for your thesis
Disagreement between Turing and Searle while arguing for your thesis essay assignment.
Format: Papers must be 4-6 pages, have 1 inch margins, and be in 12pt Times New Roman font, double spaced, with no extra spaces between paragraphs. Please insert page numbers into your document. You may choose either: APA, Chicago, or MLA style for citations. Turn in an MS Word document through the Moodle site (this uses the software Turnitin, which automatically checks for plagiarism) and bring a paper copy to class.
Organization: The paper should have three parts, listed below (no need for headings though).
Introduction: This is typically the first paragraph. Longer papers (10 pages and over) may have an introductory section made up of a few paragraphs.
· In this section, you present to the reader the issue or debate your paper will address. You will also state explicitly the position you will defend and how you will defend it.
· Even though this is the first paragraph the reader reads, it is often the last paragraph the writer writes or rewrites. The reason for this is simple: the introduction is supposed to present the reader with a bird’s eye view of the whole paper, but sometimes you will not have a clear picture of the whole paper until after you have finished it.
Development: This is the main body of your paper, and it consists of all the paragraphs after the “Introduction” and before the “Conclusion.”
· Part 1: To start off the development section of your paper, you will explain the background or context of the issue or debate of your paper. To do this, you may need to explain the meanings of relevant technical terms, specific principles, and thought experiments. For this assignment, it consists of explaining the relevant parts of either Descartes and Ryle’s arguments or Turing and Searle’s arguments. A big part of your grade is determined by whether these explanations are accurate.
Disagreement between Turing and Searle while arguing for your thesis
· Part 2: After initiating the development, you will actually work on the development. This consists of presenting your own argument about the issues.
· Part 3: In this section you will defend your argument by considering possible counterarguments and offering a reply.
Conclusion: In this section, you explain to the reader what your paper accomplished. You may want to hint at some future questions for research that your paper did not answer or draw a larger moral from the discussion.
When you submit your paper, be sure to check off all and only those items you actually completed. Then sign, date, and submit this checklist with your paper.
qI have read the sample philosophy paper slideshow.
qI have read James Pryor’s “Guidelines on Writing a Philosophy Paper.”
qI have read Professor Meshelski’s “Tips for Writing Based on Common Mistakes.”
qMy paper is formatted correctly, including font, margins, spacing, and citations.
qMy paper’s introduction clearly states what I will defend and how my paper will accomplish it.
qMy paper’s conclusion says what happened in my paper.
qIf I do quote from an original source, it is to highlight an important feature of the phrasing that figures into the argument I develop.
qI do not quote from an original source to spare myself the trouble of explaining things in my own words.
qMy paper includes some independent thinking – thinking that goes beyond what was discussed in the classroom.
qI have carefully revised my paper to insure that it is clear and free of basic grammar, style, and usage errors.