DHA 733 WEEK 6 Organizational Considerations for Use of Leadership Models

DHA 733 WEEK 6 Organizational Considerations for Use of Leadership Models
Scenario: The senior leadership team for a large, multi-facility healthcare organization that provides both inpatient and outpatient services has requested that your department identify the five most important organizational factors that they should focus on in defining a 5-year strategic plan for the organization.

Write an 875- to 1,050-word brief discussing the five most important organizational factors that the leadership team should consider.

Identify the following:

Each factor to consider
A justification for each factor
Challenges that may be encountered with each factor
Include 10 scholarly references in your paper.

Format the paper according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.

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While there are many types of leadership styles, many of them fall under the larger scope of a leadership model. The main leadership models are:

Team-oriented leadership
Authoritarian leadership
Country club leadership
Impoverished leadership
Bureaucratic leadership
Team-oriented leadership
Team-oriented leaders set a positive example by creating a collaborative team environment in which the focus is on nurturing the individual strengths of each team member, encouraging them to reach their highest potential as individuals and as a team through collaboration and motivation.

Team-oriented leadership, often referred to as “people-oriented leadership,” tends to be the most effective in terms of efficiency, productivity, employee engagement and employee satisfaction. The leadership styles that fall under the main concept of team-oriented leadership are:

Coaching: A coaching leader strives to identify individual strengths and works with employees to develop strategies for growth. This leader is focused on the overall success of the company and works to achieve it through coaching their employees, providing support and tools for building their strengths so they can use them to contribute to the company’s success. A coaching leader is goal-oriented rather than task-oriented, and they observe situations as a “big picture” rather than focusing on the details.

Affiliative: An affiliative leader excels at building teams within which the members work well with each other to increase quality and productivity. This leader supports employees in maintaining unanimity within the group and freely bestows praise for accomplishments. An affiliative leader motivates employees to meet goals and resolve any conflicts amicably among the group. This type of leader is often brought in to an organization to provide inspiration, team building and employee morale.

Participative: This style of leadership, often referred to as democratic leadership, is a combination of subcategories of leadership known as authentic, authoritative and group-think leaders all in one. Each of these subcategories focuses on productive feedback, communication and open dialogue to unify the team and bring success to the organization. A participative leader strives to encourage their team to set and meet goals, creating efficient processes to facilitate the highest possible level of productivity. A unique trait of democratic leaders is that they seek feedback and participation from employees in making decisions that affect the whole team.