DHA 724 Essential Medicines Assignment

DHA 724 Essential Medicines Assignment

Write a 1,750- to 2,450-word paper researching the access to essential medicines in the country you selected. In your paper, answer the following questions:

1. Which essential medicines are manufactured locally, and which are imported?
2. What is the role of government in providing access to essential medicines?
3. What is the role of private sectors in providing access to essential medicines?
4. What partnerships and collaborations have been made to improve access to essential medicines in your country of choice?
5. What is the role of the United States in providing essential medicines?

Compare the access of essential medicines of this country to the United States.

1) What are the differences, and why are there differences?

2) What practices could the United States adopt from this country to improve access to essential medicines?

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In 2008 the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health published 72 right to health indicators in 194 health systems. We present a follow-up report of eight indicators for access to medicines to serve as a reference point for progress towards SDG Target 3.8 on essential medicines. Data for these eight indicators in 2015 were collected and compared with the 2008 report. Between 2008 and 2015 we observed increased numbers of constitutions recognising access to medicines (7–13 countries), countries with a national medicine policy (118–122) and with a national list of essential medicines (78–107). Public spending on pharmaceuticals decreased or rose modestly in most of the 44 countries. Median availability of a basket of lowest-priced generics increased in the public (63%–70% n = 9 countries) and private (84%–92% n = 10) sectors. Median child immunisation rates remained constant for measles (around 90%) and improved for three doses of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (79%–86%). These eight indicators are useful and feasible, but should be further strengthened and expanded. Future monitoring exercises should use these indicators to screen progress and guide national governments’ action to ensure universal access to essential medicines as part of the right to health.