Cyberattacks on the Financial Services Sector Infrastructure

Cyberattacks on the Financial Services Sector Infrastructure essay assignment

Cyberattacks on the Financial Services Sector Infrastructure essay assignment

Presidential Decision Directive 21 (PDD-21) identifies 16 critical infrastructures. PDD-21 lays out the national policy to maintain secure, functioning and resilient critical infrastructure. Select a critical infrastructure sector from the list below and discuss the impact that a cyberattack could have on that system or service:

  • Sector (voice communications, digital communications, or navigation)
  • Energy Sector (electric power grid)
  • Water and Wastewater Systems Sector (water supply or sewage)
  • Healthcare and Public Health Sector (hospitals)
  • Transportation Systems Sector (rail or air)
  • Financial Services Sector (banking )

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It is the third and fourth order effects from the cyberattack on the chosen critical infrastructure that shows the far reaching and devastating effect of a cyberattack. To demonstrate the interconnectedness of critical infrastructure, explain the cascading effects on other critical infrastructure. Then, discuss the measures DHS has taken to ensure resiliency of the selected infrastructure and the measures that need to be implemented in the future.

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