Culturally Diverse Clients Case Study
Culturally Diverse Clients Case Study
Culturally Diverse Clients Case Study
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HLTHIR403C: Work Effectively With Culturally Diverse Clients and Co-Workers : Case Study – Nursing Assignment
Case Study :
Australia is well known as a multicultural society with many diverse cultures being represented. As an Enrolled Nurse, there will be many occasions where it is vital to have an understanding of a co-worker / patient’s culture.
Culturally inclusive care begins with an understanding of, and respect for, cultural diversity and can lead to nursing practices / interventions / care that are culturally sensitive and appropriate for a specific patient or co-worker.
Choose one (1) Culture from the following list:
1. Australia
2. Greece
3. Italy
4. India
5. China
Question :
You will conduct research; then answer the following questions about migration to Australia; the differing needs in relation to health; the importance of identifying culturally sensitive and appropriate nursing care / practices; and the available resources for the particular culture you have chosen.
1. Migration experience: Give a brief summary of the history of this culture’s experience in migrating to Australia, including the approximate current population.
2. Health care practices / Beliefs / Hospital practices: Describe one (1) example for Health practices / Beliefs / Hospital practices, e.g. traditional; or religious; or folk healing; or western medicine; or family’s role in hospital care; or birth; or disability; or aged care; or death.
3. factors / styles: Describe one (1) example of a communication factor / style for this culture and how it may affect working with, or caring for a person from this culture, e.g. behaviour; or touch; or eye contact; or gender issues; or expression of pain.
4. Diseases / health issues: Describe one (1) typical disease / health issue that is specific to; or has a higher incidence in people from this ethnic / cultural group; and describe how this health issue would be managed within this cultural setting.
5. Nursing care / practices: Describe one (1) example of a nursing care / practice that would be culturally sensitive and appropriate for this specific ethnic / cultural group.
6. Resources / Organisations: Describe one (1) resource / organisation in Melbourne or Victoria or Australia that is available / accessible to assist this specific culture’s needs.