Cultural Patterns

Cultural Patterns essay assignment

Cultural Patterns essay assignment

Professionals working with children and families typically receive cultural competency training; however, such training rarely includes the influence of culture on family dynamics and child rearing practices (Johnson, Radesky, & Zuckerman 2013). As a professional working with diverse families it is important to consider the influence of culture on parenting. For this discussion, you will be evaluating, “How much of how we parent is dictated by our culture?”

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Discuss three general findings in the research brief about cultural parenting patterns.

  • Explain, using Table 1 on page 8 of the research brief, three different cultural patterns regarding what parents consider to be good behavior among children.
  • Explain, using Table 1 on page 9 of the research brief, three different cultural patterns regarding what parents consider to be bad behavior among children.
  • Evaluate the information you have gained and answer the question, “How much of how we parent is dictated by our culture?”

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