Critical Analysis and Synthesis Assignment
Critical Analysis and Synthesis
Critical Analysis and Synthesis Assignment
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The assignment:
This should be your ‘proposal ready’ review of the literature, defining why you think the study is important, and defending the choices, you have made (intend to make) in the design and analysis of your data.
A key component of a research proposal is a review of the literature. You need to establish what is known and what is unknown about your chosen topic. This review and citations of the literature related to your methods are required.
This personal search, reading, and analysis of the current literature are demonstrated through the literature review section of your final proposal.
You are to submit a publication-ready draft review of the literature section as an assignment. The assignment should generally be of adequate length to demonstrate your critical analysis and synthesis (conclusions) of a minimum of 10 references, with an additional attached page of the references. This should be written as a cohesive paper that integrates and discusses the relevant literature that you have collected and reviewed.
This component should be in APA style and be ‘publication ready’ at the time of submission. All scores applied per the rubric are considered final for this assignment.