COUN5279 Capella University Diversity Issues in Career Counseling Paper

Discussion: COUN5279 Capella University Diversity Issues in Career Counseling Paper Assignment

Discussion: COUN5279 Capella University Diversity Issues in Career Counseling Paper

Question Description

Diversity Issues in Career Counseling
Scott : age 31, Male
Scott is a single Caucasian male, 31 years old, who left school in the 10th grade. He was recently released from prison after serving a 10-year sentence for a felony drug charge. Because he committed his offense so early in life, he has no work history.

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Using the Diversity Issues in Career Counseling Template (ATTACHED), address the following elements in your assignment:

– CASE STUDY: Discuss an issue or challenge for a chosen client or student in developing their career plan. Describe specific characteristics pertaining to culture and diversity that are associated with the fictitious person from your chosen scenario and explore considerations that may factor into the presenting career or job-related concern.

-CLIENTS CAREER DEVELOPMENT: Analyze how societal norms such as gender, age, culture, socioeconomic status or other characteristics may have influenced your client’s career development. Select at least three characteristics or diversity issues. Explain how these factors, combined with the presenting career counseling issue, impact the person’s mental well-being, life roles, and relationships with others.

-INTERRELATIONSHIP ANALYSIS: Analyze the interrelationships among work, mental well-being, social interactions, and other life roles and factors. Explain how these factors interrelate in defining or clarifying career goals.

-BIASES AND ASSUMPTIONS: Assess how biases and assumptions can impact the career counseling process both from your perspective as the counselor and from the perspective of the client or student. Propose strategies to decrease biases and assumptions.

-SELF-ASSESSMENT: Self-assess biases and assumptions and describe how to minimize them when working with diverse populations. Assess your own biases and describe how you will work to decrease these biases when working with diverse populations. Describe strategies you can use to decrease your biases and assumptions.

Review the Diversity Issues in Career Counseling Scoring Guide (ATTACHED) to understand the grading criteria for this assignment.

APA Requirements: Follow current edition APA style and format.
References: Include at least three references from scholarly sources, one of which should be your selected article.
Length: 4–5 pages in addition to the title and reference pages.

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