COU 102A Theories of Counselling
COU 102A Theories of Counselling essay assignment
COU 102A Theories of Counselling essay assignment
You have studied various modalities in this subject: Person-Centered, Existential, Gestalt, Psychodynamic, Cognitive-Behavioral, and others. Please select two modalities studied so far that you believe align with your personality and emerging counseling style.
You are required to identify and critically evaluate your choices in terms of their concepts and interventions. Your essay must include:
- Presentation of the chosen therapies – explanation of how problems are understood and change occurs within each therapy
- Overview of the reasons behind your choices – explanation why the chosen therapies resonate with you
- Overview of the strengths and weaknesses of each therapy.
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This essay will contain a formal introduction and conclusion and the main points will be presented with subheadings. The entire assessment will be referenced according to the APA Version 7th guidelines. A reference list must be provided. A minimum of 10 reference sources