Correlation Between Law and Behavior Discussion

Correlation Between Law and Behavior Discussion essay assignment

Correlation Between Law and Behavior Discussion essay assignment

(1) Discuss TWO Ethical practices/customs (i.e., regarding marriage, burial of dead) which the United States practices that differs from another country—what would a conventional relativist say about these two practices and what would a moderate objectivist say? Which approach is more convincing to you and why? You must answer all of these questions for this essay!

(2) Write a letter containing detailed instructions to your future son and/or daughter on how to be just (or courageous or any of the other virtues Aristotle discusses) and how to avoid injustice/cowardice, etc. Make sure that you incorporate in your own words an understanding of Aristotle’s idea of virtue, virtue’s link to happiness and the particular virtue (regarding the vices affiliated with it). You are free to be inventive here (use anecdotes, personal experiences, etc.). (You should write your paper in the form of a letter).

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(3) Take any example from literature/film/pop culture that depicts what human beings are like in absence of rules and law/civilization (i.e. you can be imaginative in what you select, i.e. natural disaster films, end of world films so long as you explain how they depict human behavior in the absence of laws, society; don’t simply focus on retelling the story/plot— rather focus on those features similar and different to Hobbes’ position– Do Not Choose Lord of the Flies!!!) and Compare it to Hobbes’s State of nature. How is your example similar to and different from what Hobbes says and does your example offer any solutions as to how to deal with these ‘state of nature’ scenarios? Is it a better way than what Hobbes suggests in solving problems (in leaving the state of nature)?

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