Coordinated care

Coordinated care essay assignment

Coordinated care essay assignment

Discussion #1: What Does Coordinated Care Look Like?

After watching the Berwick video, answer the following questions (A-E)

  1. Rebecca’s Story (9min): to an external site.)
  2. Shrank, Rogstad, and Parekh (2019). Waste in the US Healthcare System. Waste-in-the-US-Health-Care-System.pdf Download Waste-in-the-US-Health-Care-System.pdf
  3. The Triple Aim (3min): to an external site.)
  4. IHI: What does coordinated care look like? (5 min) to an external site.)
  5. AHRQ: What is Care Coordination: to an external site.)

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Discussion Questions:

  1. Which components of the system — more specifically, which actors and technologies — played a role in helping the patient get better?
  2. Which care provider do you think played the most important role in the positive patient outcome? Did they all contribute equally? Why or why not?
  3. How was the mother using improvement science to help control her son’s asthma? Why was that important to the story?
  4. According to Dr. Berwick, what would have happened to the boy if the care had been uncoordinated? Do you agree?
  5. Have you ever witnessed a similar example of excellent coordinated care? What happened?

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