Contributions to Child Protection Discussion
Contributions to Child Protection Discussion essay assignment
Contributions to Child Protection Discussion essay assignment
Question Description
a. Read the posted article above. It’s attached
b. Refer to Chapter 6 pages 120 to121 of your assigned textbook for more guidance.
c. To be more clear, respond to the following aspects of the article and support your findings with literature.
Your critique responses should reflect the following:
1. What type of qualitative method did the researcher use?
2. what type of sampling method did the researcher use? Is it appropriate for the study?
3. Was the data collection focused on human experiences?
4. Were issues of protection of human subjects addressed?
5. Did the researcher describe data saturation?
6. What procedure for collecting data did the researcher use?
7. What strategies did the researcher use to analyze the data?
8. Does the researcher address credibility (can you appreciate the truth of the patient’s experience), auditability (can you follow the researcher’s thinking, does the research document the research process) and fittingness are the results meaningful, is analysis strategy compatible with the purpose of the study) of the data?
9. What is your cosmic question?
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