Consent in Practice and Research Discussion

Consent in Practice and Research Discussion essay assignment

Consent in Practice and Research Discussion essay assignment

Rosie, 58, volunteers to participate in a research study conducted by the ABC Biomedical Research Imaging Center. The research is examining a new form of mammography screening for women who have multiple risk factors and have had a least one abnormal screening for breast cancer in the past. The study offers a stipend and free mammography screening to study participants.

Rosie is sitting in a room when the clinician leading the study walks in to discuss informed consent with her. He introduces himself and then starts to explain the new mammography screening and purpose of the follow-up visits. Rosie stops him midsentence and tells him that she does not need to hear the details of the procedure and that she is sure that everything will turn out fine. The clinician is impressed with the ease with which the consent was obtained and offers Rosie participation in the study. Rosie enthusiastically agrees to participate, saying she is sure that the clinician will know what is best for her. The clinician smiles and tells Rosie that a nurse will be in with a research consent for her to sign.

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Consider why Rosie may have waived her right to informed consent. Despite her comments, the clinician may want to continue explaining the informed consent process.

Patients must understand their right to receive information about a procedure and that the procedure (or the outcome of the procedure) has risks and burdens, and that data are collected for research purposes.

Medical decision-making can be an extremely challenging experience for patients and their loved ones. Balancing various potential outcomes with levels of risk can be daunting for someone who is also dealing with the emotional stresses of illness. Gaining the patient’s “true” informed consent is a critical step for health care professionals to ensure that the best decisions can be made.

Post a comprehensive response to the following:

For each scenario, decide if informed consent was obtained properly. If it was, then explain why you think it was. Be specific. If it was not, then explain where in the informed consent process a procedure was not followed. Be specific.

  • For each scenario, explain how you would improve the informed consent process to make sure consent to treat a patient is obtained correctly. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Imagine yourself as a health provider (like the providers in the scenarios). What would you do to make sure that informed consent to treat is always done correctly?

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