Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy Research Proposal

Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy Research Proposal essay assignment

Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy Research Proposal essay assignment


There will be one final project (signature project) for this course (a comprehensive research proposal). The project will assess your mastery of the core competencies and main objectives of this course. Students are expected to compose a written research proposal (5-7 pages) that should fully address one health related issue. The written research proposal should include the following:

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  1. A title page in APA style (7th edition format)
  2. Introduction and Literature Review – Approximately 2-3 pages. The minimum requirements for this section include…
    1. An opening paragraph describing the problem. Why is your research important?
    2. 1-2 paragraphs describing the literature in your area using peer-reviewed journal articles (3-4 peer reviewed articles). Note any relevant controversies or disagreements in the field
    3. A closing paragraph briefly describing your research. “The purpose of the proposed research is to compare…”
  3. Methods Section – Approximately 1-2 pages –
    1. Participants and Sampling
    2. Research Design and Independent and Dependent Variables
    3. Procedure/Analysis of Data
  4. Results and Discussion (approximately 2-3 pages) for a total of 5-7 pages.
    1. Results Section –What do you expect the results to look like if your hypothesis is correct? Consider including a chart to portray your “expected” results.
    2. Discussion Section – A discussion of three potential threats to the internal validity of your results.