Characteristics of Nursing Practice Assignment
Assignment: Characteristics of Nursing Practice
Characteristics of Nursing Practice Essay Paper
Review tenets characteristic of nursing practice. Pick one area and give an example where you exemplified one of these characteristics. Discuss how your work environment can help or hinder your ability to practice effectively within nursing standards.
Nursing profession status is an inter-profession and intra-profession challenge. Whether there is nursing professionalism or not is a challenge among the nurses, sociologists, and historians.[6,7,8,9,10] For many years, other scientists considered nursing as a semi-professional career.[3] Until 1970, nursing profession was considered as a female work and women were considered as barriers to professionalization in nursing due to their high workload and part-time work.[11] At that time, some factors such as slow formation of scientific fundamentals of nursing, disagreement in educational requirements for nurses,[10,12,13] lack of academic education at the entry level of nursing courses, and lack of theory and theory-based research[14] were considered as barriers for nursing as a profession.
Gradually, development of education standards and professional certificates led nursing move to professional status.[3] Having stronger powerful basis for theory and practice and professional education in nursing discipline brought about social cognition. Social understanding about nursing made the society consider nurses as cost–benefit health care providers and independent decision makers. Therefore, nursed could receive more funds and governmental financial aids.[15]
Today’s rapid changes in value systems in society caused nursing to encounter more ethical and philosophical challenges at providing
care to its clients. These changes also created new nursing environments that require professional nursing. Accordingly, nursing professionalization definition and its attributes need to be clarified and adapted with rapid changes. For this purpose, concept analysis is a suitable method.
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Concepts are the building blocks of theories.[16] They have important role in theory development. Concept analysis is one of the strategies in concept development. In this strategy, the basic elements of a concept for understanding its structure and function are assessed. During concept analysis process, a researcher, theorist, or clinician becomes familiar with different attributes and definitions of concept and its function.