Career Investigation Project Health Presentation

Career Investigation Project Health Presentation essay assignment

Career Investigation Project Health Presentation essay assignment


Career exploration can be a learning process.  One of the best ways to gain information is through first-hand experience and observation.  This assignment will provide the opportunity to interview and visit with a working health professional in your career of interest.  The reality of the work day is always different than what you can read about in a book.  Discover, through first-hand knowledge, if a career or type of specialty area in healthcare is a good fit for you.


Career Investigation Project: Topic Selection Assignment

  • Choose 1 career of interest in the health field to investigate.
  • Find a working professional in the chosen field to “shadow” and interview in the early part of the term.
    • Schedule a date and time to meet with your chosen health professional.
    • Spend as much time as possible seeing what the professional does on a day-to- day basis. It is recommended that a few hours be spent with the professional interviewing and seeing the place of work as well as any routine business.
    • Dress professionally when visiting and be thankful to the professional for the time spent.
    • Use the questions below as a guide for interviewing your chosen health professional.

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Career Investigation Project: Final Submission Assignment

  • After shadowing/interviewing your professional, design a 10–12 slide PowerPoint presentation documenting your experience and knowledge gained through this investigation.
  • PowerPoint slide content should follow the interview questions below in order.
    • Creativity in design and appropriate/relevant use of images is encouraged.
    • All sources used should be referenced on the last slide using current APA format.
    • PowerPoint slides should be in outlined / talking points form. Provide your narrative to explain talking points in the notes section below the slide.


Title slide must include: Your name, Liberty University, HLTH 105, name of career investigated

  1. Name of the career/profession and what is required to practice this profession in the USA. (1 slide)
  2. Who was the person with whom you shadowed/interviewed and on what day did you observe them? (1 slide)
  3. Where did they go to school or what training did they have? What are their degrees, certifications, etc.? (1 slide)
  4. Does this person have to complete continuing education? If so, what types of education must they receive, how many hours, etc.? (1 slide)
  5. What were some of the daily functions of that person? What time of the day did they begin and end? Did this person interact with patients/clients—if so, on what level? Describe what took place while you were observing. (1–3 slides)
  6. How does the person you observed describe a normal day? Stress level, time management issues, daily work load, etc. (1–2 slides)
  7. What quality or characteristic does the person you interviewed think is necessary for someone working in that profession? (1 slide)
  8. What characteristics do you think are a MUST for someone wishing to enter this profession? (1 slide)
  9. What are 2 positives and 2 potential negatives about this profession? (1 slide)
  10. Provide an Internet resource to the class where they can learn more about this profession: provide the name of the organization producing the website with the web address. (1 slide)

Your reference list will be the last slide in your presentation.

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