Career Investigation Project Health Presentation
Career Investigation Project Health Presentation essay assignment
Career Investigation Project Health Presentation essay assignment
Career exploration can be a learning process. One of the best ways to gain information is through first-hand experience and observation. This assignment will provide the opportunity to interview and visit with a working health professional in your career of interest. The reality of the work day is always different than what you can read about in a book. Discover, through first-hand knowledge, if a career or type of specialty area in healthcare is a good fit for you.
Career Investigation Project: Topic Selection Assignment
- Choose 1 career of interest in the health field to investigate.
- Find a working professional in the chosen field to “shadow” and interview in the early part of the term.
- Schedule a date and time to meet with your chosen health professional.
- Spend as much time as possible seeing what the professional does on a day-to- day basis. It is recommended that a few hours be spent with the professional interviewing and seeing the place of work as well as any routine business.
- Dress professionally when visiting and be thankful to the professional for the time spent.
- Use the questions below as a guide for interviewing your chosen health professional.
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Career Investigation Project: Final Submission Assignment
- After shadowing/interviewing your professional, design a 10–12 slide PowerPoint presentation documenting your experience and knowledge gained through this investigation.
- PowerPoint slide content should follow the interview questions below in order.
- Creativity in design and appropriate/relevant use of images is encouraged.
- All sources used should be referenced on the last slide using current APA format.
- PowerPoint slides should be in outlined / talking points form. Provide your narrative to explain talking points in the notes section below the slide.
Title slide must include: Your name, Liberty University, HLTH 105, name of career investigated
- Name of the career/profession and what is required to practice this profession in the USA. (1 slide)
- Who was the person with whom you shadowed/interviewed and on what day did you observe them? (1 slide)
- Where did they go to school or what training did they have? What are their degrees, certifications, etc.? (1 slide)
- Does this person have to complete continuing education? If so, what types of education must they receive, how many hours, etc.? (1 slide)
- What were some of the daily functions of that person? What time of the day did they begin and end? Did this person interact with patients/clients—if so, on what level? Describe what took place while you were observing. (1–3 slides)
- How does the person you observed describe a normal day? Stress level, time management issues, daily work load, etc. (1–2 slides)
- What quality or characteristic does the person you interviewed think is necessary for someone working in that profession? (1 slide)
- What characteristics do you think are a MUST for someone wishing to enter this profession? (1 slide)
- What are 2 positives and 2 potential negatives about this profession? (1 slide)
- Provide an Internet resource to the class where they can learn more about this profession: provide the name of the organization producing the website with the web address. (1 slide)
Your reference list will be the last slide in your presentation.