Career in The Health Informatics Discussion

Career in The Health Informatics Discussion essay assignment

Career in The Health Informatics Discussion essay assignment

Discussion 1:

Meetings could be fun or most-hated. The elements of planning, hosting and ensuring a meeting fulfill its overall purpose in a major task. In 250 words, share your thoughts on the following items:

1. Ensuring a meeting whether virtual, in-person or phone is successful

2. Handling many personalities and characteristics among the attendees (i.e. those that are quiet, those that are talkative, those that are argumentative, those that are routinely late to meetings and those that attempt to hijack the meeting by taking control)

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3. How do you get everyone involved, engaged and participative?

4. The importance of delegation of tasks and follow up to ensure delegated tasks are completed.

5. Frequency of meetings without going overboard.

Your initial post comprising a minimum 250 words should have 2-3 credible sources /peer-reviewed references from the last 7 years with in-text citations.

Discussion 2:

Share your thoughts on the importance of conducting HIM related research for the HIM profession. what skills did you master in undertaking this research project?

Your initial post comprising a minimum 250 words should have 2-3 credible sources /peer-reviewed references from the last 7 years with in-text citations.

Discussion 3:

Creating Your Professional Portfolio

The intent of your Professional Portfolio is to serve as a tool to assist you on embarking on a successful career in the Health Informatics & Information Management Profession. The keys to success include:

1. Having an employer pleased with resume/CV that is straight to the point, free of spelling and grammar errors, and has professional  appearance.

2. Displaying a high-level of confidence in yourself and what you bring to the table.

3. Establishing a professional network locally, nationally and internationally.

4. Creating a name for yourself by your work ethics, professionalism, first impressions and service to the profession.

Share your thoughts on your Professional Portfolio.  In what ways do you plan to continue expanding your portfolio as you further your education and/or career?  Lastly, share one piece of advice that you feel is the most important relating to professionalism, motivation, goal setting and career-oriented that the fellow classmates can take away.

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