Career Development Among Young Adults Presentation
Career Development Among Young Adults Presentation Assignment Help
Career Development Among Young Adults Presentation Paper Help
You are a Career Counselor working with Young Adults. Develop a PowerPoint presentation to assist this population in career development. Include the following:
1. Review the works of Career Development theorists Donald Super and John Holland. Briefly summarize both models.
2. Between Super and Holland, identify one theory that you prefer for young adults and discuss why you selected the theory for this population.
3. Using your career theory of choice and the My Future Website, develop a career plan for young adults seeking to be entrepreneurs and those who will work after high school graduation.
4. Include a timeline of goals that a young adult could use to ensure they follow the model you’ve discussed in the presentation.
In this article, we draw on the theoretical and empirical literature to name core dimensions of successful young adult development, dimensions that largely are based on a strength-based approach to human development. We also describe some possible indicators and measures of those dimensions, and sketch the kinds of developmental relationships and opportunities young people need in adolescence to effectively transition to a successful young adulthood, as well as the developmental relationships and opportunities young adults need for continued well-being. The current article grew out of a joint project of Search Institute and the Social Development Research Group at the University of Washington, which was conducted in 2004 for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Our goal was to create a consensus statement on the dimensions and indicators of successful young adult development
that would help to benchmark and monitor change over time in samples of young adults, inform the design of child and adolescent prevention and promotion programs, and provide a conceptual frame for establishing earlier developmental indicators of progress toward these proposed outcomes in young adulthood. Subsequent additions were made to the original document, based on Search Institute’s work in pilot testing a new survey measuring developmental assets in college students (Pashak & Handal, 2011, 2013; Pashak, Handal, & Scales, under review), and a re-examination and revision of the article by the original authors, including integration of more recent pertinent literature. The criteria for identifying the dimensions of successful young-adulthood development were articulated as follows. The dimensions should:
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Be solidly reflected in the theoretical and research literature;
Reflect a public consensus about what is important;
Be useful for multiple purposes, including public communications and mobilization, program development and evaluation, individual planning, and community, state, and national tracking;
Be measurable; and
Be amenable to change over time.
The lens we used to examine dimensions of successful young adult development has its limitations, because it reflected both the dominant literature and its reliance on samples from developed countries, as well as our own situatedness and relative success in the mainstream of majority culture in the United States. Inevitably, any framework that defines developmental success rests on cultural values, norms, and assumptions, both implicit and explicit, about what attitudes, skills, behaviors, life paths, and achievements are desirable, valued, and worthy of societal investment to nurture. The dimensions we put forward in this article thus are most rooted in the normative and aspirational gestalt of majority culture in the West, and especially, the United States. No set of dimensions of developmental success, for any life stage, possibly can be entirely valid for all imaginable variations of class, gender, sexual orientation, racial-ethnic, and religious, diversities, among others. What successful development looks like, and how it is evaluated as such by oneself and socially-valued others, surely is different at some level for a poor first-generation immigrant, religiously Catholic, straight Latina young adult working as a migrant farm worker in central California, than it is for an affluent, native-born, university-educated, gay, Indian young adult man working at a large bank and living in the suburbs of London. Consequently, we presume that the valence ascribed to the dimensions of successful development we propose, and how they are manifested, will differ according to the complex cultural situatedness of each individual young adult. Nevertheless, we believe, and present evidence to suggest, that the dimensions described, if not necessarily all the possible indicators and measures we mention, have broad applicability cross-culturally, both within the United States and globally. This is largely because, as we expand upon later, our proposed dimensions of successful young adult development fundamentally reflect the basic tenets of self-determination theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000), namely, the individual’s need for autonomy, belonging, and competence, that capture basic developmental processes which transcend culture alone.