Can developing strong interprofessional relationships increase collaboration

how can developing strong interprofessional relationships increase collaboration and benefit patient outcomes or organizational initiatives NUR 514

how can developing strong inter-professional relationships increase collaboration and benefit patient outcomes or organizational initiatives NUR 514

In order to increase the standard of patient care, collaborative interactions are achieved by exchanging skills and knowledge (Bridges et al., 2011). I frequently collaborate with physical, occupational, and speech therapists when working with individuals who have had strokes. Recognizing one’s limitations in terms of skills, knowledge, and abilities is one of the competencies associated to roles and duties described by the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) (2016). We have a lot of faith in these experts to release these patients in a secure manner.

We take physical therapists’ recommendations very seriously because a large portion of the nursing team is aware that they specialize in transferring patients. Patients recovering from strokes may experience new deficiencies, and they require assistance adjusting to their new normal. Additionally, we collaborate closely with speech therapy, and they assist us in feeding our patients safely. To make certain that everyone is on the same page, we employ the communication tools mentioned in IPEC competency CC1 (2016).Let Us Take Care of Your Nursing Essays!

We have standard forms that outline how the patient should sit, take their prescriptions, and have the size or consistency of their food or beverages adjusted. When you develop into your future job as an advanced registered nurse, the entire team will benefit if you build a trustworthy relationship with other healthcare professionals now, as outlined in IPEC competency VE6 (2016). It is crucial to be aware of the abilities and competencies of other healthcare professionals and to recognize that everyone has something to offer in the service of patients. Knowing your own and others’ scopes of practice as an advanced practice nurse can help you better appreciate how each person contributes to patient care.

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Great patient care is provided by multi-specialty teams who all contribute to patient wellness and positive outcomes. Collaboration among team members is essential for effective health care delivery. Being active on committees and work groups with a common focus can help you develop strong interprofessional relationships. Working with other professionals who share similar goals allows each team member to contribute their knowledge and skills while also learning more about other specialties, as described in Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) TT4 (2016).

For example, I was a member of a committee formed to reduce the number of wounds in our facility. In addition to nurses, the committee included cnas, the medical director, and the dietary director. I was able to learn about the roles that each team member played in patient care and form relationships with each member. Later, when I served on other committees, I remembered the team members’ contributions and felt comfortable seeking assistance from team members.

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Advanced Practice Register Nurses (APRN) may encounter patient symptoms and illness that are difficult to diagnose or beyond their scope of practice to treat. Having an understanding of other professional roles can assist the APRN with utilizing the resources available to themselves and their patients. Sometimes the APRN may need guidance from other professionals that have experience with management of certain illnesses. Having strong interprofessional relationships can assist the APRN in

determining the correct course of action, what referrals should be made, and if or when to begin initial treatment (Bridges, Davidson, Odegard, Maki, & Tohmkowiak, 2011). The APRN can also seek knowledge from other professionals to support both the patient and family in areas of pharmaceuticals, dietary issues, specialty education, or smoking cessation.

Each discipline approaches healthcare and patient care with a perspective unique to their own specialty, as described in IPEC CC7 (2016). Team members must respect one another’s roles and overcome any barriers that inhibit effective team collaboration. Healthcare members must be willing to negotiate their role in patient care, with all team members contributing what would most benefit the plan of care.

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Should any issues arise regarding negative patient outcomes from the plan of care, team members must be willing to come together, reassess the situation, and modify the plan, as discussed in IPEC CC1 (2016). If necessary, shifting leadership roles may occur if needed for example, a patient diagnosed with leukemia may temporarily obtain most of their care during treatment from an oncologist, with their primary care provider reducing the amount of care they provide (Bridges et al., 2011).

Rarely, are patient’s needs confined to one specialty. Interprofessional collaboration ensures that healthcare professionals of different specialties can come together with their unique contributions to achieve positive patient outcomes.

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Bridges, D.R., Davidson, R.A., Odegard, P.S., Maki, I.V., & Tomkowiak, J. (2011). Interprofessional collaboration: three best practice models for interprofessional education. Medical Education Online.

Interprofessional Education Collaborative. (2016). Care Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice: Report of an Expert Panel. Washington, D.C. Retrieved from


Hello La Shoinna

I agree with you that the approach of interdisciplinary teams is the pillar of operations in efficient and effective healthcare systems. Nurse leaders, managers, and administrators must be at the forefront of interprofessional collaboration in order to improve patient outcomes and increase patient satisfaction (Rosen et al., 2018). As leaders, they should set a good example and collaborate with one another, and the effect should be felt by all employees.

To instill a culture of interprofessional collaboration, all stakeholders must be educated on how to approach the process to ensure that it achieves its intended goal. The ASPIRE model is recommended for instilling this approach. It focuses on developing interprofessional education and interprofessional practice educational experiences as a paradigm shift. The IPEC is organized around three overlapping content areas: practical tools, leadership, and relational factors (Brashers et al., 2019).

how can developing strong interprofessional relationships increase collaboration and benefit patient outcomes or organizational initiatives NUR 514


Brashers, V., Haizlip, J., & Owen, J. A. (2019). The ASPIRE Model: Grounding the IPEC core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice within a foundational framework. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 1–5.

Rosen, M. A., DiazGranados, D., Dietz, A. S., Benishek, L. E., Thompson, D., Pronovost, P. J., & Weaver, S. J. (2018). Teamwork in healthcare: Key discoveries enabling safer, high-quality care. American Psychologist, 73(4), 433–450.

From your experience, how can developing strong inter-professional relationships increase collaboration and benefit patient outcomes or organizational initiatives? What are some ways you can form an interprofessional team and collaborate with other advanced registered nurse roles? Make sure to incorporate the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) competencies in your response