BSC 2347 What types of blood donations are possible to give and what are some of the regulations, concerns and complications to giving blood?

BSC 2347 What types of blood donations are possible to give and what are some of the regulations, concerns and complications to giving blood?

Week 1 discussion

Blood Donations

There have been blood donation shortages throughout the past decade with the most recent spanning through the 2014-year. What types of blood donations are possible to give? What are some of the regulations, concerns and complications to giving blood? What are the blood donations used for? What are some of the possible complications and dangers to receiving a blood donation? Who is at danger with blood donation shortages?

How can organizations, such as the American Red Cross, increase blood donations to meet and match blood donation recipient needs? There have been calls from various organizations to loosen FDA restrictions on blood donating, including letting low risk gay men to be to donate blood. Should the FDA loosen restrictions on who can donate blood to increase its overall blood supply or are there other ways organizations can increase blood donations?

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BSC 2347 What types of blood donations are possible to give and what are some of the regulations, concerns and complications to giving blood?
BSC 2347 What types of blood donations are possible to give and what

Voluntary Non-Remunerated Blood Donation (VNRBD) is the cornerstone of a safe and sufficient blood supply. GBF works with blood collectors in low and middle-income countries to establish and enhance the recruitment, retention and management of volunteer donors.


A system of voluntary donation driven by benevolence is preferable. However, creating a community appreciation of blood donation is challenging; as is recruiting, motivating and retaining donors and managing them effectively.


To help in the transition from paid/replacement donation to sustainable 100% VNRBD, Global Blood Fund:


Take one famous song – ‘Give Blood’, by world renowned musician and former member of the band ‘The Who’, Pete Townshend.


Tweak the lyrics so it even better more powerfully communicates the wonder of blood donation.


Make multiple, world-music, recordings by leading artists, singing their own arrangements in multiple languages.


Set these songs to a bespoke, motivational video.


Make these materials available for blood services worldwide to use to enhance their World Blood Donor Day celebrations.