Bilingual Education and Nutrition

Bilingual Education and Nutrition essay assignment

Bilingual Education and Nutrition essay assignment

Discussion 1

If nutrition is the primary health concern for most parents, how should we treat parents who are misguided? Children who are neglected and not given enough food are cases of child abuse, and children can be removed from homes and put into foster care. Should we also label parents of extremely obese children as neglectful? Obesity in children severely increases risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, depression, and other disorders that are not commonly associated with childhood. Should the government have the right to intervene in cases of extremely obese children? What are other types of measures, besides placing a child in foster care, that the government should take?

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Discussion 2

Do you believe bilingual education should be offered in public schools? Why or why not? Should schools use an immersion approach to teaching a country’s dominant language to immigrant children, or should schools teach both the child’s native tongue and the new national language? Explain. Do you speak more than one language? If so, how did you acquire your second language, and how fluent are you?

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