Barry University wk 4 Nurse Educator Interview

Barry University wk 4 Nurse Educator Interview essay assignment

Barry University wk 4 Nurse Educator Interview essay assignment

Assignment Guidelines

Your interview paper should include:

  • Who does the interviewee teach?
  • What does your interviewee teach and where?
  • Trends and changes in nursing education as experienced by the person you interviewed.
  • A reflection that compares your interview data to class readings and the literature that you reviewed prior to conducting the interview (pay special attention to trends, themes, concepts, and changes in nursing education).
  • What you learned as a result of this assignment.
  • A conclusion discussing your personal thoughts, opinions, views, and insights related to the specific area of nursing education of your interviewee.

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Your paper should be at least 3–4 pages (excluding the cover and reference pages), typed in Times New Roman using 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1″ margins. Your paper should be written in current APA style with correct spelling and grammar and include references as appropriate.

These are the interview questions that were suppose to be asked

1.How do you, as a nurse educator teaching the future generation of nurses, determine whether the students’ objectives have been met? And if the students’ objectives have not been realized, what measures are taken to guarantee that they are addressed so as to generate a better generation of nurses in the future?

2.What characteristics do you value in a nurse educator? Could you elaborate on your credentials, experience, and level of education?

3.How have your experiences made you a more effective nurse educator? What impact have they had on your career?

4.With your primary responsibility as a nurse educator, what motivates you to rise each morning?

5.What are some of the experiences you’ve had at work?

6.What actions have you made to become one of the top nurse educators in your career?

7.Which, in your view, is more valuable: the experiences you have gained in your area of competence or your formal education?

8.What are the most successful ways for engaging students and enhancing their learning? Which instructional strategy do you favor the most, and why?

9.Why is education or experience more important?

10.In conclusion, what can you say about the current nursing student you are mentoring, and based on the time you have spent with them, how do you anticipate the future generation of nurses to be?

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