AUST Community Hospital Compliance Plan
AUST Community Hospital Compliance Plan essay assignment
AUST Community Hospital Compliance Plan essay assignment
Compliance planning is a major focus for healthcare organizations today. There are many laws, regulations and other factors that require compliance, so creating a compliance plan is key. Organizations that are not within the compliance guidelines can face many negative situations, from fines to possible loss of license and closure.
- You are the office manager for a newly licensed and opened a small community hospital. You need to create a compliance plan for your organization to follow to ensure that all guidelines are met and no outstanding issues are present.
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- Visit the web links below for information on how to create a standard compliance plan.
- Your plan needs to include the following guidelines:
- Written Policies, Procedures and Standards of Conduct
- Compliance Officer and Compliance Committee
- Training and education plan
- Lines of communication
- Disciplinary standards
- Reporting and monitoring system
- This one-page document lists the fundamental elements of an effective compliance program. Read: Health Care Compliance Program Tips (Links to an external site.)
- This one-page document explains why health care leaders need to create and monitor compliance programs. Read: Toolkit for Health Care Boards