At-Home Professions Synthesis
At-Home Professions Synthesis essay assignment
At-Home Professions Synthesis essay assignment
This assignment is intended to help you learn to do the following:
Develop a synthesis table of the Level of Evidence, Outcomes to provide a visual and rapid evaluation of the evidence you have appraised.
Apply acquired knowledge in Quality Improvement (QI) and EBP to make recommendations for changes in practice.
- Overview
- Learning to understand the differences between synthesis and analysis is important in Quality Improvement (QI) and EBP to make recommendations for changes in practice based on the best available evidence.
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Analysis essentially involves breaking down the research and critiquing each component. Synthesis is developing new ideas based on the quality and outcomes of the evidence—putting everything together. Synthesis is part of critically appraising each article.
In this assignment, you will develop a synthesis table of the Level of evidence and a synthesis table of outcomes. You will then make recommendations based on evidence that you found and critically appraised.
Action Items
Type your PICOT question that you developed in Module 2. You may modify your original PICO(T) to use in this assignment if/as needed based on the feedback you received from your peers and instructor.
Using the templates provided, develop three tables:
Table 1: Using the 10 or more articles you critically appraised, develop a table for the level of Evidence. For the Level of Evidence Table, place the name of the first author and the date of publication across the top of the table. In the left column, the Level of Evidence is already in place. Using an X, mark the level of evidence based on the Pyramid of Evidence on page 18 of Melnyck & Fineout-Overholt, 2018.
Table 2: Using the 10 or more articles you critically appraised, create an Outcomes Synthesis Table. For the Outcomes Synthesis Table, place the name of the first author and the date of publication across the top of the table. On the left side, first column, place the outcomes that you found or were looking for. Using the symbols indicated on the form, determine the outcomes from each article.
Table 3: Develop a table based on the Synthesis Level of Evidence and Outcomes table to develop the Synthesis recommendation table. For the synthesis table, determine if an outcome has evidence to support it.
Complete your three tables.
Submit your document that includes your three tables by the due date indicated.