The Role of Empathy in the Counseling Relationship

The Role of Empathy in the Counseling Relationship essay assignment The Role of Empathy in the Counseling Relationship essay assignment Write a 750-1,000-word paper outlining the importance of empathy, probing, and summarizing in the counseling process. Include the following in your paper: The role of empathy in the counseling relationship Techniques for establishing empathy with…

Cultural Beliefs and your level of Self-Awareness

Cultural Beliefs and your level of Self-Awareness essay assignment Cultural Beliefs and your level of Self-Awareness essay assignment Review Chapter 8 in the course text, Orientation to the Counseling Profession: Advocacy, Ethics, and Essential Professional Foundations, and focus on the importance of multicultural awareness. · Review Chapter 7 in the course text, Orientation to the…

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Findings

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Findings essay assignment Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Findings essay assignment Complete “Management Stress Assessment” located on the McGraw-Hill website ( Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Findings Essay Assignment Paper Compose a GCU style paper (750-1,000 words), describing your Emotional Intelligence (EQ) findings. Being aware of what emotional responses look like and its importance when interacting…

Child Psychology Grand Theories

Child Psychology Grand Theories essay assignment Child Psychology Grand Theories essay assignment Chapter 2 describes several important developmental theories and how these theories help us make sense out of tremendous amounts of information about our experiences and understanding of development. Each of the grand theories (psychoanalytic, cognitive, and behavioral) provides important insights on development, each…

Negative Health Effects Associated with Thinness

Negative Health Effects Associated with Thinness essay assignment Negative Health Effects Associated with Thinness essay assignment Sources: Spearing, M. (2001). “Eating Disorders: Facts About Eating Disorders and the Search for Solutions.” National Institute of Mental Health, http://www.nimh.nih. gov/publicat/eating disorders.cfm, accessed August 9, 2010; Soriano, C. G. (2004, June 22). “Mary-Kate Olsen Seeks Treatment for Eating…

Meaning of Dual Diagnosis

Meaning of Dual Diagnosis essay assignment Meaning of Dual Diagnosis essay assignment You are a substance abuse counselor. Gregory, your new client, has come to you for help with his alcohol use problem. Gregory is married with three children and works as a sales representative for a large corporation in the city. In your first…