Nursing entrance essay

1. As a nurse, ethics and ethical decision making is an essential part of your nursing skill set. What does ethical decision making mean to you? 2. As a nurse, it is important to develop a personal nursing philosophy statement, an explanation of what nursing is to you and how it guides your nursing practice….

Helping Aunt Mary

Your Aunt Mary is elderly and lives alone. She just returned from a visit with her primary care physician. She noticed today that Dr. Alice did not bring a chart into the exam room. Instead, she had a little computer. Aunt Mary is upset. She does not understand this new technology as it relates to…

philosophy of nursing paper

Address the following topics in a brief (no more than 3 pages, double-spaced) paper: · Introduce your nursing career choice, current practice, and vision of your future as a nurse. · Describe your general beliefs and values related to humankind and society—values that give direction to your journey in life. · Describe your values and…