Joint Commission standards of health care organization

Review The Joint Commission standards for the type of health care organization that you chose in Week 1 and that you have used throughout this course. Identify at least two sections of the standards (e.g., environment of care, leadership). Describe how these sections are implemented in your selected health care facility. Make recommendations for improvement.

Business Torts

Second Part of the assignment: Create 3 powerpoint slides: Provide a discussion and summarize the key points of the Business Torts and Ethics from the individual assignment from this week. As a team defend your collective findings and conclusions regarding the legal responsibilities and ethical responsibilities as a business owner. In addition, discuss/cover the different types of…

Qualitative Research Article Analysis Options document

Read a recent article, from the last 3 to 5 years, in a peer reviewed nursing journal that includes articles using qualitative design methods.   Presentyour analysis in any method you choose, for example: paper, poster, video, presentation. The deliverable should fully present your responses to each criterion in the Guidelines for Qualitative Nursing Research Critique.  …


In this era of government bailouts, the intensity of executive pay scrutiny has escalated, as have the criticisms that executive pay is excessive. The chapter section “Executive Compensation: Ethics and Accountability” presents many factors related to this issue. Can there be any justification for a CEO being paid 100 million dollars for a given year…

problem solving case

On successful completion of this paper, successful students should be able to:   1.    Identify and apply appropriate theory and models of leadership. 2.    Have developed self-awareness of their own personal attributes relevant to leadership. 3.    Recognise leadership styles and approaches appropriate to personal and organisational challenges. 4.    Have analytical decision making abilities to achieve…

Race and Sentencing

Scenario: You are a member of a recently formed committee to deal with numerous complaints against police and correction officers in your town and are asked to determine if there is merit to these allegations and develop a protocol to address the current problem and prevent these practices from occurring in the future. The allegations are…

Professional Liability assignment

Sselect an allied health (nonphysician) profession; this can be your own profession or another profession that interests you. Some examples of allied health professions include physical therapy, respiratory therapy, pharmacy, nursing, physician assisting, radiography, ultrasonography, nuclear medicine, medical laboratory, medical assisting, phlebotomy, and many others. Discuss a situation in which an individual in this profession…