Medical conditions

State the risk factors, clinical presentation and at least 3 nursing interventions with rationals for these patient conditions. Please cite your references. (please choose one condition from the list below) 1 – Aortic stenosis 2 – Patent ductus arteriosis 3 – Corornary artery disease 4 – Pericarditis 5 – Peripheral vascular disease 6 – Mitral…

Health disparity or social justice issue

Research and select an environment with a health disparity or social justice issue (free clinics, inner-city facilities, hospitals with large groups of immigrants). Prepare a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes in which you: Explain the health disparity or social justice issue related to quality management in today’s health care arena. Analyze a problem, system,…

Health care PPT

Need a PPT on Institute of Medicine (IOM). No plagiarism within the slides or notes. Must be in APA format throughout. I’m mainly looking for the research/information. I can redo the PPT theme/colors. Will send rubric and instruction prior to handshake

Information Strategic Plan

Complete the following sections of the Information Strategic Plan Template: Procedures and methods used during this investigation      (all components) Overview of Current Systems Operations (all parts). In addition to the requirements above, your paper: Must be double-spaced and 12 point font. Must be formatted according to APA style. Must reference two scholarly resources in addition…

Applying knowledge

Describe the process a student  and a preceptor utilize to apply knowledge in pathophysiology and physical assessment to determine need for diagnostic testing. Provide one example of the conversation you have with the patient when there is a need for diagnostic testing. How do you document in the electronic medical record the type of diagnostic testing…

Policy Summary and Critique related to Quality and Safety

You should obtain a policy from a healthcare organization related to a contemporary work site issue about safety, quality, staffing, advanced practice nursing, education, or other health related topic. The initial thread should contain a summary of the policy including a description of the policy, rationale, outcomes, such as what defines success (i.e., adequate staffing…

“Looking Back”

Please respond to the following: Evaluate the lessons learned in this course and discuss the single most important or surprising lessons as well as what made it so. Discuss how you would describe this course in 140 characters or less to someone considering taking it.