leadership and management

Understand the nature of L&M work and the key concepts of manager, leader, management development, leadership development, organization development and strategy and their inter-relationships, and the contested nature of such concepts Articulate the purposes and rationales for M&LD and the links with organization strategy, policies and operations. Assess the changing environment and the formulation of…

Environmental Statutes

   Visit Business Law and Regulations. Environmental Regulations  http://www.sba.gov/content/environmental-regulations  and  www.epa.gov/lawsregs/ Identify one environmental law that is relevant to your past, current, or future employer. Apply that law to a business situation created by that employer. How does (or did) that employer maintain compliance with that statute?  Do you believe that environmental regulations help or hinder business? Why or…

Claims to Environmental-friendliness

After reading “The Six Sins of Greenwashing”: A Study of Environmental Claims in North American Markets, discuss the tension between business’s interests in maximizing profits and the public’s interest in receiving complete, truthful, and non-misleading information about products that they purchase. From a business perspective, what are the dangers of “greenwashing”? If you were a…

Law-and-order ideology

Canada’s crime rate continued to fall last year, with the homicide rate dropping to the lowest level in 46 years. Statistics Canada said the overall police-reported crime rate decreased 3 per cent, reaching the lowest point since 1972. The reduction was largely due to declines in some of the most common offences – from mischief…

Violence and Popular Culture

Violence exists and has existed in all societies. In contemporary North American society, we also see violence frequently in media–from news to films to video games. These representations have been blamed for creating a culture of fear and inspiring real violence, particularly among youth. Media analysts argue that the question of media and violence must…

Elementary Statistics

Statistical Project & Presentation   Purpose: The purpose of this project is to supplement lecture material by having the students to do a case study on collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data.   ***The best way to understand something is to experience it for yourself. Guideline for Analyzing Data and Writing a Report     Below…

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion Assignment Apply critical-thinking skills to answer the following questions based on this week’s readings. The response to each of the 5 questions below should contain approximately 150 to 300 words, for a total paper of 750 to 1500 words.  However, you need not write a full ‘paper’ complete with an introduction or…

Defining Marketing Paper

Prepare a narrative paper in which you define marketing.   Include in your paper your personal definition of marketing and definitions from two different credible sources.   When writing your personal definition, do not use the first person voice. Use the third person voice and develop your personal perspective via the use of phrases such…

Long-Term Care Facilities

Long-Term Care Facilities Long-Term Care Facilities Choose two long-term care facilities—one from nursing facilities, assisted living, or subacute care and another from adult day care, home health care, or hospice care, prepare a 8 page report in a Microsoft Word document including the following: Describe the roles and responsibilities of the administration in each department…

The Revenue Cycle

A revenue cycle is a process by which health care facilities and providers ensure their financial viability by increasing revenue. Explain the downstream impact that might occur for the patient if any of the processes in this cycle are not followed. Explain the impact that might occur to the cash flow of the facility or…