NRS 342L Miami Dade College Heart Disease Among Adults

NRS 342L Miami Dade College Heart Disease Among Adults essay assignment NRS 342L Miami Dade College Heart Disease Among Adults essay assignment Description Purpose: Utilize the epidemiologic process to identify a community health need or problem, plan, implement, and evaluate a group health teaching project to meet the identified need. Student Objectives for the Heart Disease…

Hispanic Latino Americans Health Inequalities Case Study

Hispanic Latino Americans Health Inequalities Case Study essay assignment Hispanic Latino Americans Health Inequalities Case Study essay assignment Description Select an ethnic minority group that is represented in the United States (American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian American, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander). Using health information available from Healthy People, the CDC, and other…

The Policy Process Discussion

The Policy Process Discussion essay assignment The Policy Process Discussion essay assignment Description To prepare for this assignment, review the key components of the health care policy process in Ch. 3 of Health policymaking in the United States. The policy cycle approach provides lawmakers with a pathway for developing a policy and guiding it through the…

Barriers to Governance of Health Information Systems in KSA

Barriers to Governance of Health Information Systems in KSA essay assignment Barriers to Governance of Health Information Systems in KSA essay assignment 1st post (2) Effective HIS strategy and planning rely on and require a linkage to overall strategies and activities of the healthcare organization. All business strategies and clinical initiatives the organization might consider…

Off Label Drug Use Among Children Narrative

Off Label Drug Use Among Children Narrative essay assignment Off Label Drug Use Among Children Narrative essay assignment Description Review the interactive media      piece in this week’s Resources and reflect on the types of drugs used to      treat pediatric patients with mood disorders. Reflect on situations in      which children should be prescribed drugs for off-label…

Back School versus McKenzie Exercises in Patients

Back School versus McKenzie Exercises in Patients essay assignment Back School versus McKenzie Exercises in Patients essay assignment Answer the following questions in your own words to reflect your interpretation of the information to address the following questions.   1.      What is the purpose of the article? Why is this topic important? [2 points] 2.      How was the research…

Improvement Project & Reducing Hospital Re Admission

Improvement Project & Reducing Hospital Re Admission essay assignment Improvement Project & Reducing Hospital Re Admission essay assignment Description Requirements Provide two suggestions for a quality initiative project across a healthcare facility in Saudi Arabia with which you are familiar. If you are not familiar with any of the healthcare organizations, provide  two hypothetical quality…

Alcohol Use in Adolescents

Alcohol Use in Adolescents essay assignment Alcohol Use in Adolescents essay assignment Assignment: Literature Review Read one of the articles listed below based on the topic of research you selected in Week 1. Note: With the exception of the Nicolas, et. al. article, all of the following journal articles can be found in the Walden Library….

Nursing Patient Teaching Plan

Nursing Patient Teaching Plan essay assignment Nursing Patient Teaching Plan essay assignment Purpose The purpose of this PowerPoint presentation is to apply information gathered from the Family Genetic History and Milestone 1 assignments to aid with identifying one modifiable risk factor and develop an evidence-based teaching plan that promotes health as well as improves patient…