Healthy People 2020

The federal government developed Healthy People as a set of national health objectives that are periodically evaluated to measure progress in the nation’s health goals and healthcare services. HP 2020 has a renewed focus on identifying, measuring, tracking, and reducing health disparities through a determinants-of-health approach. This week, please briefly discuss a Healthy People 2020…

Social justice

Social justice eeasy paper Before beginning political advocacy, one must identify a problem that needs to be addressed through health care policy. Sometimes, political advocacy is needed when established health care policies are not adequate for solving a problem, or when the legislation creates new problems. This assignment is the first in a three-part project….

Nursing Case Study

Brian’s story Brian is 65 years old and lives with his dog ‘Spider’ in a town flat on the first floor of a block of units in a government housing estate. About a year ago Brian had to move to town from his home community because his increasing health needs could not be readily met…

Business Law questions

Which of the following is called the ‘television test’ with regard to the WPH framework? Golden Rule Social Responsibility Universalization Public disclosure 2. award: 2 out of 2.00 points What is an ethical dilemma? A problem about what a firm should do, for which no clear, right decision is available. Application of ethics to the…

Nurses as Health Advocates

What does it take to be an effective health advocate? As a nurse, you have many opportunities to advocate for patients and populations, whether formally or informally. Being an advocate involves more than knowing how to lobby or to whom to write letters. It requires passion and compassion, commitment and courage. In this Discussion, you…

Historical Phases

Describe your thoughts about one of the historical phases of theory development.   Nursing theory is the basis for nursing knowledge and practice. Theory is widely recognized as the path to recognition for nursing as a profession. Nursing researchers have striven to create a body of knowledge for nursing to develop as a practice discipline…

Bullying in Nursing

In essay format address the following: 1. Define the professional issue bullying in nursing. · 100 words · don’t just define bullying in general – make the link to nursing · 1. Discuss the significance bullying in nursing to nursing. · 500 words · How does the issue impact on nursing? · Why is it…