Public Health

This assignment will explore the impact of history on problems and solutions in healthcare. Exploring the past will help stimulate a deeper understanding of the causes and effects of healthcare problems and alternative solutions. In Week 1, you selected and reviewed a public health problem and a policy that addresses this problem. This week, you…

Organism Profile

The Etowah darter (Etheostoma etowahae) is a fish restricted to the upper reaches of the Etowah River (Coosa River basin) in Georgia.   Your Abstract should contain the following parts that are listed below. Topic Sentence: your abstract must contain one sentence that clearly and concisely introduces the topic of the profile paper. Content Sentences:…

Standards of Practice for Culturally Competent Nursing Care

Assume your nursing leader has decided that the department needs to better incorporate these Standards of Practice for Culturally Competent Nursing Care into the nursing care delivery model at your organization. There are 12 Standards. Download and read the Executive Summary, and select one of the 12 standards as the basis for the discussion. Think…

Leadership experience

Nursing is a practice discipline that includes direct and indirect care activities that affect health outcomes. As a baccalaureate nursing student, you are developing new competencies in leadership, and in order to achieve mastery, you must apply those competencies to live practice experiences and situations. This Leadership Learning Experience (LLE) is designed to allow you…

medical sociology

Health plays a major role in the functioning of society. Define the relationship between social behavior and health. Justify your answer using examples and reasoning. What are the social factors that play a critical role in improving health? What are the social factors that are the greatest threat to health? How can sociology help health…

Health assessment paper

Provide a succinctly explanation of each of the following assessments and why it so importance to nurses within the context of your nursing practice: 1. Assessing violence, culture, spirituality and religious practices, and nutritional Status. 2. Make sure you mentioned each one of the assessment 3. Follow your rubric criteria when completing your written assignment….

Personal Ethics Development

Write a 1,050- to 1,200-word paper on personal ethics development that examines your personal ethical system and ground rules, including its origins and development. · Incorporate the terms found in the University of Phoenix Material: Key Terms located on the student Web site. · Focus on the developmental aspect of your ethics rather than on a…

Pharmacology question

A patient is admitted to your institution directly from her attending physician’s office. The patient has been admitted to your institution before; however, the previous medical records are not available. a. What questions should be asked about medications during your admission assessment?