Patient safety

Patient safety is the most important aspect of nursing practice. Knowing the laws, rules, and standards can also enhance safe care. Nurses are held accountable to follow the laws, regulations, and rules of the licensing authority and the standards and ethics of their profession. These laws, rules, and standards include meeting educational requirements, maintaining competence…

Epidemiology surveillance

Epidemiologic surveillance is used in public and global health. Locate a recent article about an outbreak of an infectious or communicable disease. Write a 3- to 4-page paper including the following: Summary of the article The relationship among causal agents, susceptible persons, and environmental factors Role of the BSN nurse in addressing the outbreak Possible…

Informatics and database design

As in any nursing specialization, informatics and database design has its own pedagogy and vernacular. Terms such as primary key, relational diagram, or entity integrity might seem unfamiliar at first; however, this Assignment familiarizes you with such terms and develops your informatics skills as you apply database concepts. To prepare: Review the information on relational database models in the…