Cost-Benefit Analysis

Create a 5–6-page cost benefit analysis that supports a risk financing recommendation for a selected organization. Note: The assessments in this course build upon each other, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in a sequence. In your current and future role as a health care leader, you can expect to conduct a cost-benefit…

Risk financing issue

Imagine yourself in the role of a risk manager. Select a topic related to risk financing and identify a risk financing issue. This issue may be from a selected organization or from your workplace. As an example, you might select the issue of financing potential malpractice suits at a medical clinic. Refer to the Suggested Resources…

Steps of EBP process

Explore the Steps of EBP process. The five key steps EBP process identifying clinical practice needs, formulating a relevant question, searching for evidence, critically appraising the evidence, and applying findings in practice. The first step of the EBP process is to develop a question from the nursing practice problem of interest. Select a practice problem…

MCQs of Psychology

1.When there is a discussion of “theory” as related to judgments of right and wrong the discussion is probably one of: b.philosophical morality c.professional ethics d.philosophical ethics e.common morality f.both band d 2.Which of the following is NOT listed in your text as part of the professional structure which governs ethics for counselors? a.the courts…

Nursing shortage

One very common area of nursing that is a growing problem is the nursing shortage. “Most studies agree, RNs constitute the largest healthcare occupation, with 2.3 million jobs. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) reports that 126,000 nursing positions are unfilled in hospitals, accounting for an overall vacancy rate of 13% for…

Health Care

There is debate on whether or not health care is a universal right that should be provided by governments. In your discussion post, identify the ethical, societal, and global issues involved in this debate. Explain the moral basis for your opinion on the topic, relating it to your fundamental values and principles. Distinguish this issue…

Federal Compliance Law

Listen to a podcast of Linda Thomsen, former director of enforcement at the Securities and Exchange Commission:  How Sarbanes-Oxley has affected corporate culture. Discuss how the Sarbanes–Oxley Act has changed corporate culture.  A transcript of the podcast is also available through the URL. Expand on how the Sarbanes–Oxley Act impacts organizational culture and why federal oversight…

Evaluation Plan Focus

Technology increases human effectiveness. Using a lever, you can move an object several times your size. In an airplane, you can move exponentially faster than on foot. Using the Internet, you can access information much more quickly than at a library. What possibilities like this exist in the nursing field? What health information technologies can…