Health Data Standards

What are health data standards and how do they relate to your role as an informaticist? Health data standards are the agreed upon representations of nursing data. From the coding of medical processes to documentation formats and terminology definitions, health data standards help to align nursing language. Being knowledgeable in health data standards is imperative…

Affordable Healthcare

Please explore the website Choose the “Get Answers” tab towards the top of the page. Please review several of the topics under this tab and share something that you learned about how the Marketplace works and how this would apply to those in your community. The Affordable Care Act is a controversial topic and…

Environmental Pollutants

Visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Envirofacts website at . Enter your city, zip code, or location. Explore the site to learn more about your environment and things that might be impacting the health of its citizens. Identify something new you learned about your environment and how it could be affecting health by completing this…

Caring for Populations

Directions: Please refer to the Milestone 1: Community Windshield Survey Guidelines and grading rubric found in Doc Sharing for specific instructions in order to complete the information below. This assignment is worth 150 points. Type your name above and your answers below directly on this form. Click Save as and save the file with the…

Healthy People 2020

The federal government developed Healthy People as a set of national health objectives that are periodically evaluated to measure progress in the nation’s health goals and healthcare services. HP 2020 has a renewed focus on identifying, measuring, tracking, and reducing health disparities through a determinants-of-health approach. This week, please briefly discuss a Healthy People 2020…

Social justice

Social justice eeasy paper Before beginning political advocacy, one must identify a problem that needs to be addressed through health care policy. Sometimes, political advocacy is needed when established health care policies are not adequate for solving a problem, or when the legislation creates new problems. This assignment is the first in a three-part project….

Nursing Case Study

Brian’s story Brian is 65 years old and lives with his dog ‘Spider’ in a town flat on the first floor of a block of units in a government housing estate. About a year ago Brian had to move to town from his home community because his increasing health needs could not be readily met…

Business Law questions

Which of the following is called the ‘television test’ with regard to the WPH framework? Golden Rule Social Responsibility Universalization Public disclosure 2. award: 2 out of 2.00 points What is an ethical dilemma? A problem about what a firm should do, for which no clear, right decision is available. Application of ethics to the…