Work/Life Balance

Work-Life Balance Paper In preparation for this Work/Life Balance discussion, read the following articles:   Work, Family, and Stress (Clark, 1992)   Flexible Work Arrangements (Koch, 1998)   16 Ways to Encourage Work/Life Balance in Employees Balancing work and personal responsibilities can be a challenge. Employers are increasingly acknowledging these struggles and are instituting policies…

Emotional Labor

In preparation for this discussion, review the following resources:   Emotional Labor Study at the University of Memphis   Job Stress (Clark, 1995) You may also want to read, “The Effects of Stress in the Workplace.” There are many stressors in the workplace that affect employees. Emotional stressors are no different. As our economy has…

Women in Leadership

Choose a social issue affecting the workplace and working environment, and develop a paper that thoroughly discusses the issue from both the workplace and societal viewpoints. Be sure to include the positive and negative aspects of the issue in relation to the workplace, society, and workers, especially the unique worker groups who may be most…


Identify the diagnosis/problem. Describe the disease pathophysiology. Describe the clinical presentation. Describe the diagnostics utilized. Identify and described three differentials. Identify three evidence-based journal articles utilized to support the treatment. Describe the treatment plan, including pharmaceuticals, referrals, and patient education.

Use of Theory

Once a literature review has been completed, important theories can be highlighted that will support your research topic. For example, particular groups may naturally link to known theories, such as feminist theory for women’s perspectives, or queer theory for perspectives from the LGBT community. Or based on your research approach (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed method),…