Anti Gang Programs

Anti Gang Programs essay assignment Anti Gang Programs essay assignment This week you will watch the two videos, listed below, and then collaborate with team members to write your essay response to the Chapter 10 “Discussion Topics” Question #3. What will each team member do on their own? Watch the following videos: 1) How Racial…

Sociological Self Reflection

Sociological Self Reflection essay assignment Sociological Self Reflection essay assignment Please write twenty answers to the simple question “Who am I?” about yourself. They can just be one word or descriptions. Answer as if you were giving the answers to yourself – not someone else. Write your answers in the order that they occur to…

SOC333 Research Design Mixed Methods & the Value of Research

SOC333 Research Design Mixed Methods & the Value of Research essay assignment SOC333 Research Design Mixed Methods & the Value of Research essay assignment Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 10 of the course text, watch the video Crime Spotting: Joy of Stats (1/6) (Links to an external site.), review the media piece How Prohibition…

Equality Egalitarianism in American Society Personal Reflection

Equality Egalitarianism in American Society Personal Reflection essay assignment Equality Egalitarianism in American Society Personal Reflection essay assignment We’ve discussed children’s’ unique experience in our society. Their identities are intersectional and embedded in systems. For American VALUE below (i.e. Ideology; Macrosystem) EQUALITY / EGALITARIANISM People have equal opportunities; people are important as individuals, for who…