Unethical Research Discussion

Unethical Research Discussion essay assignment Unethical Research Discussion essay assignment Review the Stanford Prison Experiment video (Links to an external site.). Refer to and use guidelines outlined in Chapter 3 of the course textbook. Answer the following questions: a. According to the scientific community, what steps should be taken to assure ethical practices in social…

SOS 301 Interpersonal Group and Dynamics Worksheet

SOS 301 Interpersonal Group and Dynamics Worksheet essay assignment SOS 301 Interpersonal Group and Dynamics Worksheet essay assignment PART A 150 words Describe the interpersonal gap in the miscommunication example you are writing about. In so doing, explain how the sender/speaker’s intentions differed from the listener/receiver’s interpretation. Assess how this miscommunication could have been prevented…

Immigration And Border Security Issues Research

Immigration And Border Security Issues Research essay assignment Immigration And Border Security Issues Research essay assignment Review the Final Research Paper instruction located in Week 5. For this week’s assignment, you must: Summarize the topic of the Final Research Paper. The following are approved research topics: The use of national intelligence assets by law enforcement—the…

Bureaucratic Organization

Bureaucratic Organization essay assignment Bureaucratic Organization essay assignment The goal of this assignment is for you to use your life experience as data to understand the nature and function of a bureaucracy. describe an organization with which you have direct personal experience and which appears to fit the characteristics of a bureaucracy, as listed in…

Statistical Regression Analysis

Statistical Regression Analysis essay assignment Statistical Regression Analysis essay assignment Find a peer-reviewed sociological research article published in the last 10 years (2011-2021) that uses quantitative data and regression analysis. Finding Sociology Journal Articles.docx For your search terms, use <sociology regression> PLUS a general topic you are interested in. For example, you could add “gender”, “racism”,…

Concept of Identity

Concept of Identity essay assignment Concept of Identity essay assignment Instructions for the Peer Discussion: Pick two of the four cases below. Post a response to the question for the two cases you chose. In your post, feel free to make connections to your own life. Respond to THREE of your peers’ posts. Your response…