Assignment:Materials in Psychiatric Health
Assignment:Materials in Psychiatric Health
Assignment:Materials in Psychiatric Health
Varcarolis texts, lecture, and other materials utilized in your psychiatric mental health nursing study, reflect upon the book and what you have learned from reading it which expands your knowledge of psychiatric mental health nursing.
Identify and discuss the psychiatric mental health concepts presented in the book.
Focus on how your clinical nursing practice will be influenced by what you have gleaned from your selected book.
Please note: Because this is not a book report, but rather a Reflection Paper
Content and depth of discussion:
Discuss your personal reflections to the author’s story.
Based upon your readings from a related nursing research article, the Varcarolis texts, lecture, and other materials utilized in your mental health nursing study, reflect on what you have learned from reading one of the above titles which reinforces your knowledge of mental health nursing.
Discuss psychiatric mental health concepts presented in the book.
Focus on how your clinical nursing practice has been or will be influenced by what you have gleaned from your selected book.
Please note: this is not a book report, but rather a Reflection Paper. Therefore keep your synopsis of the book to not more than 1 to 2 pages.
Assignment:Materials in Psychiatric Health
20 Points ________
II. Organization:
Personal reflections presented in an appropriate and balanced fashion.
5 Points ________
III. Material:
Discuss your means of assessing psychiatric mental health nursing concepts.
Utilize supportive materials [use research article(s) to support or further discuss your reflections].
10 Points ________
IV. Language:
Descriptive, clear scholarly writing.
Accurate and concise grammar and phraseology.
Unfamiliar terms defined.
Jargon avoided.
5 Points ________
V. APA format, including:
Nursing research article cited and submitted with paper in a folder
Electronic copy submitted to instructor on time and by due date
Two print copies of paper submitted in folder to instructor
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