Assignment: Written Proposal and Implementation Guidelines for an Organizational Policy

NHSFP5004 Capella Evaluation of Dashboards Healthcare Policy Proposal Paper

Assignment: Written Proposal and Implementation Guidelines for an Organizational Policy

Written Proposal and Implementation Guidelines for an  Organizational Policy SAMPLE

            Optimizing patient outcomes is often the intention of all care facilities and this can readily be achieved through adopting systemic approaches that are based on evidence-based practice (EBP) (Calitri et al., 2014). At the Mercy Medical Center, the need to improve quality as identified by deficits in benchmark performances has sparked off debates on the adoption of new strategies to address these inefficiencies in care (Harvey & Kitson, 2015). As such, quality improvement at the facility that is most likely to optimize care is based on increasing the safe nurse-to-patient ratio. The subsequent discussion delves into the elaboration of proposed quality improvement initiative and how it can be implemented at the facility.


Adequate staffing in a care facility is an integral part of the operationalization of activities in hospitals (Strehlenert et al., 2015). Often, health organizations that focus on translating evidence-based practice into care to optimize quality outcomes must consider the aspect of staffing (Brown & McIntyre, 2014). Particularly, the number of nursing staff must be commensurate to the number of patients the facility admits. However, at the Mercy Medical Center, there is a deficit in the number of nurses that provide care to patients and this limits the achievement of the performance benchmarks as defined by local and state regulations.

Currently, patient-centered care approaches at the facility are compromised due to an inadequate number of nursing staff. Mercy Medical Center has a nurse-to-patient ratio of 1:8 against national recommendations of 1:4 (Lee et al., 2017). The deficit is exacerbated by high rates of nurse turnover at the institution. The high rate of nurse-to-patient ratio is unsafe for optimal care and the nursing staff at the facility are overwhelmed which has also raised concerns of patient neglect (Strehlenert et al., 2015). As such, there is a need to address the highly unsafe nurse-to-patient ratio by employing new members. In its short-term goal, this proposal aims to bridge the gap of staff deficits by reducing the ratio from 1:8 to 1:6. The long-term goal will be to achieve the recommended level of 1:4 in the next two years (Hill & DeWitt, 2018).

The proposal on safe nurse-to-patient ratio at the Mercy Medical Center aims to address the underperforming metrics related to medication errors, readmission rates, patient safety as well as the length of stay. It is established that Hospital CEO’s Dashboard report of the facility does not conform to the standards of care as established by regulatory authorities both at the state and national levels (Harvey & Kitson, 2015). Failure to meet the performance benchmarks also relates to poor management trends at the facility, especially where nurses do not receive competitive remuneration packages as compared to their peers in other facilities within the proximity of Mercy Medical Center (Ssegawa & Muzinda, 2016). This has seen increased turnover at the facility and the inability of the hospital to attract highly skilled nursing staff. For this proposal to meet its intended purpose, stakeholders involved must reevaluate the salaries of healthcare staff including nurses to ensure retention of the professionals (Brown & McIntyre, 2014). Besides, the facility also needs to employ general nurse practitioners and specialized nurses to seal the performance loophole currently witnessed at the hospital. This will be achieved through the formulation of an implementation plan to guide decision on practice.

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Assignment: Written Proposal and Implementation Guidelines for an Organizational Policy

Assignment: Written Proposal and Implementation Guidelines for an Organizational Policy

In this assessment, you will build on the dashboard benchmark evaluation work you completed in Assessment 1.


After reviewing your benchmark evaluation, senior leaders in the organization have asked you to draft a policy change proposal and practice guidelines addressing the benchmark metric for which you advocated action.

In their request, senior leaders have asked for a proposal of not more than 2–4 pages that includes a concise policy description (about one paragraph), practice guidelines, and 3–5 credible references to relevant research, case studies, or best practices that support your analysis and recommendations. You are also expected to be precise, professional, and persuasive in justifying the merit of your proposed actions.

When creating your policy and guidelines it may be helpful to utilize the template that your current care setting or organization uses. Your setting’s risk management or quality department could be a good resource for finding an appropriate template or format. If you are not currently in practice, or your care setting does not have these resources, there are numerous appropriate templates freely available on the Internet.

Proposal Requirements

Note: The tasks outlined below correspond to grading criteria in the scoring guide.

In your proposal, senior leaders have asked that you:

  • Explain why a change in organizational policy or practice guidelines is needed to address a shortfall in meeting a performance benchmark prescribed by applicable local, state, or federal health care laws or policies.
    • What is the current benchmark for the organization? What is the numeric score for the underperformance?
    • How might the benchmark underperformance be affecting the quality of care being provided or the operations of the organization?
    • What are the potential repercussions of not making any changes?
  • Recommend ethical, evidence-based strategies to resolve the performance issue.
    • What does the evidence-based literature suggest are potential strategies to improve performance for your targeted benchmark?
    • How would these strategies ensure improved performance or compliance with applicable local, state, or federal health care laws or policies?
    • How would you propose to apply these strategies in the context of your chosen professional practice setting?
    • How would you ensure that the application of these strategies is ethical and culturally inclusive?
    • Does your policy encompass the key components of your recommendations?
  • Analyze the potential effects of environmental factors on your recommended strategies.
    • What regulatory considerations could affect your recommended strategies?
    • What organizational resources could affect your recommended strategies (for example, staffing, finances, logistics, and support services)?
    • Are your policy and guidelines realistic in light of existing environmental factors?
  • Propose a succinct policy and guidelines to enable a team, unit, or the organization as a whole to implement recommended strategies to resolve the performance issue related to the relevant local, state, or federal health care policy or law.
  • Identify colleagues, individual stakeholders, or stakeholder groups who should be involved in further development and implementation of your proposed policy, guidelines, and recommended strategies.
    • Why is it important to engage these colleagues, individual stakeholders, or stakeholder groups?
    • Do your proposed guidelines help colleagues, individual stakeholders, or stakeholder groups understand how to implement your proposed policy?
    • How might engaging these colleagues, individual stakeholders, or stakeholder groups result in a better organizational policy and smoother implementation?
    • Are your proposal and recommended strategies realistic, given the care team, unit, or organization you are considering?
  • Communicate your proposed policy, guidelines, and recommended strategies in a professional and persuasive manner.
    • Write clearly and logically, using correct grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
  • Integrate relevant sources to support your arguments, correctly formatting source citations and references using current APA style.
    • Did you cite an additional 3–5 credible sources to support your analysis and recommendations?

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Assignment: Written Proposal and Implementation Guidelines for an Organizational Policy


Draft a written proposal and implementation guidelines for an organizational policy that you believe would help lead to an improvement in quality and performance associated with the benchmark metric for which you advocated action in Assessment 1.

Note: Each assessment in this course builds on the work you completed in the previous assessment. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.


In advocating for institutional policy changes related to local, state, or federal health care laws or policies, health leaders must be able to develop and present clear and well-written policy and practice guidelines change proposals that will enable a team, unit, or the organization as a whole to resolve relevant performance issues and bring about improvements in the quality and safety of health care. This assessment offers you an opportunity to take the lead in proposing such changes.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 2: Analyze relevant health care laws and regulations and their applications and effects on processes within a health care team or organization.
      • Propose a succinct policy and guidelines to enable a team, unit, or the organization as a whole to implement recommended strategies to resolve the performance issue related to the relevant local, state, or federal health care policy or law.
  • Competency 3: Lead the development and implementation of ethical and culturally sensitive policies that improve health outcomes for individuals, organizations, and populations.
      • Recommend ethical, evidence-based strategies to resolve a performance issue related to health care policy or law.
  • Competency 4: Evaluate relevant indicators of performance, such as benchmarks, research, and best practices, for health care policies and law for patients, organizations, and populations.
      • Explain the need for creating an organizational policy or practice to address a shortfall in meeting a prescribed metric benchmark.
  • Competency 5: Develop strategies to work collaboratively with policy makers, stakeholders, and colleagues to address environmental (governmental and regulatory) forces.
      • Analyze the potential effects of environmental factors on recommended strategies.
      • Identify colleagues, individual stakeholders, or stakeholder groups who should be involved in further development and implementation of proposed policy, guidelines, and recommended strategies.
  • Competency 6: Apply various methods of communicating with policy makers, stakeholders, colleagues, and patients to ensure that communication in a given situation is professional, clear, efficient, and effective.
      • Communicate a proposed policy, guidelines, and recommended strategies in a professional and persuasive manner, writing content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
        • Support arguments effectively with relevant sources, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style.

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Questions to Consider

As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.

Consider the underperforming metric you evaluated in your Dashboard Benchmark Evaluation in Assessment 1 as having the potential to greatly improve the overall quality or performance of a team or the whole organization.

What ethical, evidence-based strategies would you recommend to resolve the performance issue related to the underperforming metric you evaluated?

  • What does the literature suggest are potential strategies to improve performance for your targeted benchmark?
  • How would these strategies ensure improvement or compliance with the relevant local, state, or federal health care policy or law?
  • How would you propose to apply these strategies in the context of Eagle Creek Hospital or your own practice setting?
  • How would you ensure that these strategies are ethical and culturally inclusive in their application?

Assignment: Written Proposal and Implementation Guidelines for an Organizational Policy

4/23/2019Policy Proposal Scoring Guide Proposal Scoring GuideCRITERIANON-PERFORMANCEBASICPROFICIENTDISTINGUISHEDExplain the need forcreating anorganizationalpolicy or practice toaddress a shortfallin meeting aprescribed metricbenchmark.Does not explain theneed for creating anorganizational policyor practice to addressa shortfall in meetinga prescribed metricbenchmark.Attempts toexplain the needfor a creating anorganizationalpolicy or practice,but theexplanation isimprecise or isnot clearlyrelated to ashortfall inmeeting aprescribed metricbenchmark.Explains the needfor creating anorganizational policyor practice toaddress a shortfall inmeeting a prescribedmetric benchmark.Explains the need forcreating an organizationalpolicy or practice to addressa shortfall in meeting aprescribed metricbenchmark, acknowledgingcosts and benefits both ofchanging and of notchanging the policy orpractice.Recommend ethical,evidence-basedstrategies to resolvea performance issuerelated to healthcare policy or law.Does not recommendethical, evidence-based strategies toresolve aperformance issuerelated to health carepolicy or law.Recommendsstrategies toresolve aperformanceissue, but thestrategies areeither not clearlyethical, notclearly evidence-based, or seemunlikely toresolve the issue.Recommendsethical, evidence-based strategies toresolve aperformance issuerelated to healthcare policy or law.Recommends ethical,evidence-based strategies toresolve a performance issuerelated to health care policyor law, and identifies areasof uncertainty or knowledgegaps.Analyze thepotential effects ofenvironmentalfactors onrecommendedstrategies.Does not describe thepotential effects ofenvironmental factorson recommendedstrategies.Describes thepotential effectsof environmentalfactors onrecommendedstrategies, butfails to analyzethem.Analyzes thepotential effects ofenvironmentalfactors onrecommendedstrategies.Analyzes the potentialeffects of environmentalfactors on recommendedstrategies, and proposesmitigation or potentialresponses to those factors.Propose a succinctpolicy andguidelines to enablea team, unit, or theorganization as awhole to implementrecommendedstrategies to resolvethe performanceissue related to therelevant local, state,or federal healthcare policy or law.Does not propose asuccinct policy andguidelines to enable ateam, unit, or theorganization as awhole to implementrecommendedstrategies to resolvethe performanceissue related to therelevant local, state,or federal health carepolicy or law.Proposes apolicy andguidelines, but itsapplicability toeither a group ortheimplementationof recommendedstrategies isunclear or weak.Proposes a succinctpolicy and guidelinesto enable a team,unit, or theorganization as awhole to implementrecommendedstrategies to resolvethe performanceissue related to therelevant local, state,or federal healthcare policy or law.Proposes succinct policy andguidelines to enable a team,unit, or the organization as awhole to implementrecommended strategies toresolve the performanceissue related to the relevantlocal, state, or federal healthcare policy or law. Makesexplicit links to the evidencethat supports the soundnessof the proposal.
4/23/2019Policy Proposal Scoring Guide colleagues,individualstakeholders, orstakeholder groupswho should beinvolved in furtherdevelopment andimplementation ofproposed policy,guidelines, andrecommendedstrategies.Does not identifycolleagues, individualstakeholders, orstakeholder groupswho should beinvolved in furtherdevelopment andimplementation ofproposed policy,guidelines, andrecommendedstrategies.Identifiescolleagues,stakeholders, orgroups who arenot the mostlogical choices tobe involved infurtherdevelopment andimplementationof proposedpolicy, guidelines,andrecommendedstrategies.Identifies colleagues,individualstakeholders, orstakeholder groupswho should beinvolved in furtherdevelopment andimplementation ofproposed policy,guidelines, andrecommendedstrategies.Identifies colleagues,individual stakeholders, orstakeholder groups whoshould be involved in furtherdevelopment andimplementation of proposedpolicy, guidelines, andrecommended strategies;suggests collaborationstrategies.Communicate aproposed policy,guidelines, andrecommendedstrategies in aprofessional andpersuasive manner,writing contentclearly and logically,with correct use ofgrammar,punctuation, andspelling.Does notcommunicate aproposed policy,guidelines, andrecommendedstrategies in aprofessional andeffective manner;does not writecontent clearly andlogically; or does notuse correct grammar,punctuation, andspelling.Provides aproposal that isnot consistentlyprofessional,effective, clear,and logical, orerrors in use ofgrammar,punctuation, orspelling distractfrom themessage.Communicates aproposed policy,guidelines, andrecommendedstrategies in aprofessional andpersuasive manner,writing contentclearly and logically,with correct use ofgrammar,punctuation, andspelling.Communicates a proposalthat is professional, effective,and insightful; content isclear, logical, andpersuasive; and grammar,punctuation, and spelling arewithout errors.Support argumentseffectively withrelevant sources,correctly formattingcitations andreferences usingcurrent APA style.Does not effectivelysupport argumentswith relevant sources;does not correctlyformat citations andreferences usingcurrent APA style.Cites sourcesthat lackrelevance orintegrates thempoorly, or formatscitations orreferencesincorrectly.Supports argumentseffectively, withrelevant sources,correctly formattingcitations andreferences usingcurrent APA style.Supports argumentseffectively, with relevantsources, correctly formattingcitations and referencesusing current APA style.Citations are free fromerrors.