Assignment: Regulatory Issue in Health Care

Assignment: Regulatory Issue in Health Care

Assignment: Regulatory Issue in Health Care

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Assignment Article or Case Law Search
Find an article or a current legal case that involves one of the following issues:

A critical regulatory issue in health care
A critical regulatory issue specific to institutional health care
Write a 700- to 1,050-word analysis of the article or the legal case that explains how the issue relates to the nature, sources, and functions of the law.

700-1,050-word countArticle/Case Law Search/ grading rubricContent and Development 1700-1050 Word AnalysisAssignment is within the word count1Introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major pointsThe introduction fluently and effectively provides background information to orient readers. Have you ever read a paper you were lost in the introduction? Do you believe that sometimes we fail to do an effective introduction in papers?1Article or current legal issues involves a critical regulatory issue in health careTerrific response to the legal issues. Well done! What do you believe was the main idea value in the legal issues?1Issues relates to the nature sources, and functions of the lawOutstanding analysis of the issues that relates to the nature sources, and functions of the law! What do you believe was the main issue that related to the sources?1APA Citations – Learners are expected to adhere to APA citation guidelines.Outstanding Citations skills1Has Identified and discussed recommendations that can be made.Outstanding identification of the recommendations of the law. In the scheme of things was there more or less difficulty in the identification of the recommendation? Just thoughts!1Conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews major pointsGood closing statement that brings the entire analysis together – well done! In your opinion why is the conclusion important?1 = Excellent
2 = Good

3 = AverageWriting & APA

1Title Page – Learners are expected to adhere APA guidelines when preparing a title pageError-free title page – It reflected complete information1APA Manuscript Preparation – Learners are expected to adhere to the manuscript requirements (for example: double spacing, correct font, margins, indentation, Topic headings, double space between sentences, etc.) Excellent manuscript skills 1APA References – Learners are expected to adhere to APA reference guidelines.Outstanding reference skills – No revisions needed1Writing Skill – Learners are expected to demonstrate proper spelling, and proofreading skills.Excellent writing skills – no spelling, and/or proofreading writing errors.TotalPercentageplagiarism 5%Late Paper Minus 10% Per DayTotalPercentage After %.


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