Assignment: Philosophies Via Nursing practice

Assignment: Philosophies Via Nursing practice

Assignment: Philosophies Via Nursing practice

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In this unit, we will begin to carefully evaluate various philosophies through the lens of our nursing practice and specialty areas. What is philosophy? Have you ever wondered about the meaning? Do you think, as so many do, that, “It is a bunch of abstract thoughts that has no application to your life?’” Take a look at this youtube video from the 5-minute philosopher.
Rosenburg (2000) argued that philosophy is a fundamental prerequisite for understanding the history, sociology, and other sciences methods of achievements and prospects. For instance, some classical philosophical problems, like “free will versus determinism” or “whether the mind is part of the body” were seen as priorities and shaped by scientific discoveries and theories. Therefore, philosophy is the key that opened the door to science.

Assignment: Philosophies Via Nursing practice

No doubt, science is a unique contribution to western thought, so knowing how it has impacted other cultures of the world can assist us in understanding our civilization as a whole (Rosenburg).
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As you observed in the YouTube video there are many great philosophers with many different scientific inquiries. According to Parker (as cited in Zaccagnini & White, 2011, p. 8), the philosophical underpinning of any scientific body of knowledge is the foundation upon which the body is built. In other words, philosophy is the skeleton of our nursing practice to explain the world and the enduring beliefs we hold about the world.
In this unit you will see that nursing scientists have taken a variety of approaches to philosophy. Many of these approaches have been taken based on the values held toward their philosophical positions. Nursing practice is guided by theory and/or models and philosophies. Philosophical beliefs influence actions and priorities, and frequently form the basis of nursings’ moral obligations and responsibilities. Therefore, nurses must be forthcoming when examining philosophical bases and its potential for their practices. Nurses must use philosophical inquiry in the same manner as the philosopher to explore the knowledge, value, meaning, and ethical factors related to the question of interest (ANA, 2003).
As advanced practice nurses you will have the responsibility of defining and refining philosophies that inform research, theory, and the application of research. Many nurse scientists have used many different philosophies to develop their theory. Nursing knowledge has been guided primarily by two philosophical orientations: Positivism (empiricism) and antipositivism.
Contemporary empiricism, also known as postpositivism, recognizes that knowledge is developed within specific social and historical contexts. In other words, philosophers use an empirical approach to obtain knowledge through observation and sensory perceptions (Chinn & Kramer, 2008). In contrast, antipositivism embraces the soft or interpretive human science by searching for explanations and descriptions that predict phenomena (Zaccagnini &White, 2011).
Philosophical approaches to nursing knowledge is not well-defined compared to other sciences. Therefore, many scientists consider philosophical nursing inquiry to be in the early stages of development. However, today there are a significant number of nurse scholars actively engaged in the advancement of knowledge for the discipline of nursing (Chinn & Kramer, 2008).


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