Assignment: National Council of State Boards

Assignment: National Council of State Boards

Assignment: National Council of State Boards

Order an original top nursing paper specifically for you : Assignment: National Council of State Boards

National Council of State Boards of Nursing. 2008. Consensus Model for APRN
Regulation: Licensure, Accreditation, Certification & Education. Report of
the APRN Consensus Work Group and the National Council of State Boards
of Nursing APRN Advisory Committee. Published July 7.
National League for Nursing. 2013. Annual Survey of Schools of Nursing, Fall 2012.
Accessed December 19.
Pittman, P., C. N. Herrera, K. Horton, P. A. Thompson, J. M. Ware, and M. Terry.
2013. “Healthcare Employers’ Policies on Nurse Education.” Journal of
Health Administration 58 (6): 399–411.
Tubbs-Cooley, H. L., J. P. Cimiotti, J. H. Silber, D. M. Sloane, and L. H. Aiken.
2013. “An Observational Study of Nurse Staffing Ratios and Hospital Read-
mission Among Children Admitted for Common Conditions.” BMJ Quality
& Safety 22 (9): 735–42.
White, K. R., and J. W. Begun. 1998. “Nursing Entrepreneurship in an Era of Chaos
and Complexity.” Nursing Administration Quarterly 22 (2): 40–47.


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