Assignment: Major Arteries in the Body

Assignment: Major Arteries in the Body

Assignment: Major Arteries in the Body

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What are the 5 major arteries in the body?
They are as follows:

The femoral artery
The aorta
The subclavian artery
The common illiac
The carotid artery
The Aorta: The largest artery of the body and provides oxygenated blood originating from left ventrical to the thoracic part of the heart.

The femoral artery: provides oxygenated blood to the lower limbs of the body.

The subclavian artery: Supply blood to the upper limbs. i.e- the right and left arm and the head.

The common illiac: supplies blood to the pelvis region.

The carotid artery: blood supplying arteries in the neck that divide into two. one supplying blood to the brain and one to the face ane neck.

Assignment: Major Arteries in the Body

Assignment: Major Arteries in the Body

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