Assignment :Holistic Health Assessment
Assignment :Holistic Health Assessment essay assignment
Assignment :Holistic Health Assessment essay assignment
Follow Discussion board attachment and paraphrase article and post replies to post 1 and 2.
We are all affected by cultural diversity. Differences among and in between cultures can lead to difficulties. This does not mean that there is a right or wrong culture, just that we need to do a better job understanding each other and being culturally cognizant and sensitive.
Theoretical frameworks can be applied to this situation to help nurses break down the problem areas and make it more clear. One such framework is the Almutairi’s Critical Cultural Competence. This helps to break data down to critical awareness, critical knowledge, critical skills, and critical empowerment.
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Nurses who care for patients born in their same geographical area tended to score higher in cultural competence. The reasoning behind this seems obvious. However, this study was very limited by response rates and willingness to participate in the study.
POST 2: Holistic Health Assessment Module 5 Discussion Board
The article I chose to summarize is Cultural and religious beliefs and values, and their impact on preferences for end-of-life care among four ethnic groups of community-dwelling older persons. The age range for this study was 65-92 years old. The participants in this group were from 17 different countries, which included four different ethnic groups: Anglo-Celtic, Mediterranean, Eastern European, and Asia/Pacific. The article asked the participants about their beliefs on death and dying, truth telling, advance care planning, and their preference for end-of-life care. The article breaks down the questions by ethnicity, and also looks at the group as a whole for how the participants responded (Ohr, Jeong, & Saul, 2017).
The study showed that 92% of participants believed that dying is a normal part of life, with 70% being comfortable discussing death. Nearly half of the respondents also believed that death should be avoided at all costs. In regards to “truth telling”, 74% of participants wanted doctors to tell them they are dying, and 80% said that they would let their family know that they were dying. 60% reported that they have thought about what type of medical care they want when they are dying. 60% also indicated that they do not want to live as long as possible if they are on life support, breathing machines, if they were brain dead, had a feeding tube, or were in severe pain. Almost 80% of the group agreed that being comfortable and not in pain was more important than prolonging life if they could not be cured. Additionally, 60% reported that they would rather be at home than in the hospital if they had an incurable disease(Ohr, Jeong, & Saul, 2017).
Holistic Health Assessment Module 5 Discussion Board Source:
Ohr, S., Jeong, S., & Saul, P. (2017). Cultural and religious beliefs and values, and their impact on preferences for end-of-life care among four ethnic groups of community-dwelling older persons. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(11-12), 1681-1689. doi:10.1111/jocn.13572
Learning about culture is interesting and fun…but how does that relate to assessment? This is a HOLISTIC health assessment class, and we want you to be able to consider the whole patient, including cultural aspects. How will knowing about culture be important to the nurse? This week, on the discussion board, locate a professional article from the UTA library website or from Google Scholar, from the last 5 years, that addresses cultural beliefs and health care in some way. Summarize/paraphrase the article, cite it according to APA standards, and then put the reference at the bottom of the page.
This should be done in no more than 2 – 3 paragraphs. COPY and PASTE your work into an entry on the discussion board— opening attachment after attachment quickly becomes tedious. Entitle the discussion entry with your name and the subject, for example: “Doe, Jane: Preterm birth and culture”. You will receive points as per the rubric and instruction template this week by posting your summary, and by replying to 2 other students with a substantive comment.
Rubric: ©2017 UTA School of Nursing Page 1 of 2
NURS 3315 Holistic Health Assessment Levels of Achievement Criteria
Proficient Competent Novice 75 % Submits a post of 25 % some value but Post not lacking in substantive, of understanding or poor quality. depth. 75 % 25 % 100 % Few (1 to 3) Minimal (3 to 5) No spelling, spelling, spelling, grammatical, or grammatical, or grammatical, or punctuation errors. punctuation errors. punctuation errors. High-level use of Good use of Low-level use of vocabulary and word vocabulary and vocabulary and choice. word choice. word choice. 100 % Post(s) and responses 60 % 20 % show evidence of Post(s) show Post(s) show little knowledge and evidence of evidence of understanding of knowledge and knowledge and course content and understanding of understanding of applicability to course content and course content and professional practice. applicability to applicability to Includes other professional professional resources that extend practice. practice. the learning of the community. 100 % Submits two or more thoughtful peer 50 % responses which show Submits one 25 % evidence of thoughtful Submits responses understanding of response or two of of little value. course content and moderate quality applicability to professional practice. Work missing 100 % Submits one initial Quality and response by Timeliness Weight 25.00% Wednesday in the session. 0% Late or no submission Spelling and Mechanics Weight 25.00% 0% Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of content and applicability to professional practice Weight 25.00% Responses to others by Saturday night at 2359 Weight 25.00% ©2017 UTA School of Nursing 0% 0% No response or just a comment of no educational value. Late or no submission Page 2 of 2 …
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