Assignment: Argumentative Competence

Assignment: Argumentative Competence

Assignment: Argumentative Competence

Assignment: Argumentative Competence

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Chinese managers are more concerned with maintaining relationships (guan-xi) and saving face by keeping the respect of others and showing respect (mian-zi). As a consequence, they are more likely to use indirect forms of influ- ence like turning to a third party for help. Enlisting others to make a difficult request supports guan-xi, and keeps the influence agent from losing face. In addition, the involvement of another individual demonstrates that the pro- posal is legitimate. Often the third party is someone of higher status, which reflects Chinese respect for authority and power differences.

Not all American and Chinese managers follow the pattern described above. Factors in addition to national culture, such as personal traits and orga- nizational rules and procedures, also help determine the selection of compli- ance-gaining tactics. While Chinese leaders may not rely as heavily on rational persuasion as do their American counterparts, they do think that offering rea- sons and evidence is an effective strategy. Managers from both nations frown on the use of pressure tactics like demanding and threatening.


Starring: James McAvoy, Robin Wright, Kevin Kline, Evan Rachel Wood, Tom Wilkinson Rating: PG-13 for violence, language Synopsis: Immediately after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, former Union Army captain turned lawyer Frederick Aiken (James McAvoy) reluc-

Hackman-Johnson Page 197 Tuesday, March 12, 2013 12:54 PM

198 Chapter Six

tantly agrees to defend Mary Surratt (Robin Wright). Surratt is accused of con- spiring with her son, John Wilkes Booth, and others to kill the president, vice- president, and secretary of state. Aiken comes to believe that his client is inno- cent but has little hope of winning the case. The nation is caught up in the desire for revenge. Secretary of War Edwin Stanton is eager to punish anyone associated with the plot in order to stamp out any further thoughts of rebel- lion. Surratt is tried in a military court even though she is a civilian. Friends and colleagues shun Aiken for mounting a vigorous defense for his client. Chapter Links: compliance gaining, credibility, argumentative competence, nego- tiation, evidence, reasoning

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